Fletcher Street , Progressive Picture This, c Our Studio

Designed by AEW Architects, the scheme will provide age-inclusive apartments. Credit: Our Studio

Partners submit plans for £70m Stockport resi

Comprising 245 apartments across a pair of eight and 20-storey blocks, the scheme will be developed by Progressive Living and managed by Picture This.

The £70m project has been in the works since 2023 and is Picture This’s debut development. The development company was set up by former JLL colleagues Shannon Conway and Mike Nicholson to deliver people-focused residential developments.

The Stockport project will see the site of Victoria House a derelict office building off Wellington Street and Piccadilly, and the Fletcher Street surface car park redeveloped into a mix of one-, two-, and three-bedroom flats.

The apartment layout and design have been informed by Passivhaus low energy principles and will be age-inclusive, according to the project partners.

Shannon Conway, co-founder of Picture This, added: “Delivering a customer-focused design was essential to ensure we bring the right homes to Stockport town centre.

“This scheme reflects extensive market research, community engagement, resident feedback, and input from an external design review panel.”

Last year the project secured close to £6m of grant funding from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

For Progressive, the submission of plans for the project marks the culmination of many years of work.

“We committed to Stockport six years ago, purchasing Victoria House with a clear vision of the town’s potential as a vibrant place to live and invest,” said David Fairclough, director at Progressive Living.

“After collaborating with the council to integrate the two sites, we are excited to play a key role in Stockport’s growth story and its continued economic success.”

Designed by AEW Architects, the project is supported by landscape architect Re-Form, Renaissance, Zerum, OFR, GIA, Novo, Our Studio, Jameson Acoustics, SK Transport, Turley, and Oxford Archaeology.

Euan Kellie Property Solutions is advising on planning.

If approved, work is expected to begin in Summer 2025, with completion anticipated by June 2027.

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We met Picture This at the Makers Market and loved their ethos. Good luck to them

By Stopfordian

Disappointing lack of balconies.

By Balcony watch

please define “age inclusive”?

By Anonymous

Good looking scheme, and I’m sure planning will be ok, but even assuming the scheme is fully funded and a construction price is agreed, how can the work start in 2025 when it won’t haven been designed to stage 4 and won’t have been through the BSA. Also, can a scheme of this size really be delivered in 24 months with demo in or out. Ambition is great but dates don’t add up.


@MSGA – by work they probably mean demolision of the derelict and increasingly vandalised Victoria House which is currently on the Wellington Street / Piccadilly corner of the site.

By and by

Looks great – shame about the surface level car park

By Anonymous

None of “informed by Passivehaus low energy principles” “age-inclusive” and “customer-focused design” means anything though does it.
Silly buzzword soup; otherwise would people otherwise assume the very bulky but otherwise fairly average looking flats will be cold and badly ventilated, only available to 20-35 year olds, and with unpopular design features such as the toilet in the living room or windows into the flat next door?
Also, if its all supposed to be cuddly and “progressive”, why no mention of affordable housing?

By Anonymous

It won’t get built just look at the developments on the same site or next to it including the old Sainsbury’s site on Warren St.. all talk is Stockport

By Pat

It lovely design but it shame no outside balcony….it would be amazing if planning to have outside balcony it perfect for view the Stockport railway bridge it would be bingo.

By Mr G J Kitchener

We surely have enough apartments in Stockport It’s affordable housing we now need and amenities to go with them, doctors schools etc These are never mentioned

By Anonymous

We need more town centres in Greater Manchester and up and down England to focus on similar urban density. Good stuff Stockport!

By Anonymous

Hi, has the application been submitted or just the EIA? We can’t see the application on the Council’s portal.

By Anon

    Hi Anon, the application has been submitted but has not yet been validated on the portal. Best wishes, Dan

    By Dan Whelan

It would be good to hear from the Council and from the developers 1) the likely timescales for a Committee decision (noting that Stockport has an over stretched Planning Department already that, with the new NPPF and housing targets generating a lot of activity in Stockport, will be very busy!) and 2) the timescales the developers have allowed in the appraisals to pass through both Gateway 2 and Gateway 3 with the Building Safety Regulator. A start on site in two and a half years might just be feasible. A completion by June 2027 – I very much doubt it.

By Anonymous

@Pat (January 20, 2025 at 1:46 pm)
See this afternoon’s Place North West for news on the former Sainsbury’s site on Warren Street.

By Anonymous

Ridiculous, that’s all I can say about this development!! Where are people supposed to park? Enough is enough, Stockport is losing its identity with all the new developments going on!! Where will the 245 residents supposed to park? Also if we’re going to be zero carbon? I’m assuming that there will be plenty of charging points for all the electric vehicles? How about tidying up the A6 ? The boarded up takeaways near grand central? Sort that out first. The ups and downs empty building that’s been an eyesore for years. Stop developing and start repairing. It’s all about the money though and Stockport council will keep spending our money on hairbrained schemes.

By Steven Taylor

@steven Taylor, they’re not supposed to park, they’re supposed to stay at home and have no life, it’s for the environment

By Anonymous

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