Garstang Swimming Pool, Wyre Council, p YMCA Fylde Coast

Acquiring the swimming pool 'would make any future investment in the building more worthwhile'. according to a council report. Credit: via YMCA Fylde Coast

Wyre to buy Garstang baths

The local authority is in talks with Lancashire County Council about acquiring the Oak Road leisure centre when its lease expires next year.

Wyre Council wants to take control of Garstang Swimming Pool to safeguard swimming provision in the town and avoid having to agree to “less favourable terms” as part of a new lease.

Wyre currently leases the swimming pool from Lancashire County Council and subleases it to Fylde YMCA, which manages the facility.

The council’s current 15-year lease was signed in 2011 and is due to expire in April 2026. The swimming pool was built in 1974 and provides a 20-metre pool, reception area, and changing rooms.

Under the terms of the lease, Wyre is responsible for the maintenance of the asset. It estimates that upkeep costs will exceed £400,000 over the next 15 years.

Acquiring the swimming pool “would make any future investment in the building more worthwhile”, according to a council report.

Wyre and Lancashire County Council have agreed a provisional purchase price for the asset.

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