Maghull Care Home, Torus, p via planning documents

The plot in question is surrounded by similar care home schemes. Credit: via planning documents

Sefton to approve 129-bed care home

Torus 62’s proposed extra care development on a vacant plot off Damfield Lane in Maghull will offer all its apartments at affordable rent.

Of the 129 homes, 116 will be single-bed properties, while the remaining 13 will be two-bedroom homes. Sefton Council’s planning committee is expected to approve the scheme later this week.

The building will have both accessible residential and communal elements and will be spread out across five wings, one central with the other four angled away from the centre.

Plans to develop the three-acre plot were submitted to Sefton Council by planning consultant Zerum on Torus’s behalf.

JM Architects designed the four-storey block, while Urban Wilderness took on landscaping designs, which will see two outdoor spaces wrap the east and west of the site.

Damfield Lane, Torus , p via planning documents

The central wing will rise to four storeys, each of the four outward facing wings will step down to three floors. Credit: via planning documents

An 11,300 sq ft communal garden and terrace will be the central community space, found at the south of the development. Up to 25 ground floor residents will enjoy private terraces.

Private balconies will provide amenity space for 76 of the upper floor apartments.

The site has long been earmarked for redevelopment – planning permission was granted in 2013 for an extra care development comprising housing, a dementia facility, and independent living lodges with landscaping, and access.

Bournehurst Park, a retirement village, sits to the south of the site. To the north is Highpoint Care Damfield Gardens care home, which offers specialised elderly residential care.

Various firms have worked on the scheme, including E3P, Alan Johnston Partnership, Mosodi, and Hann Tucker Associates.

To view the application, use the planning reference number DC/2024/01694 on Sefton Council’s planning portal.

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If the final product,including the landscaping, turns out like the CGI this will look a very attractive development.

By Anonymous

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