Bellway submits East Halewood plans

The latest application in the 1,500-home East Halewood urban extension in Knowsley proposes 413 homes across two plots, of 10 and 30 acres.

Bellway intends to build 98 units on the smaller parcel, known as Plummer’s Meadow. On Halewood Oaks, the larger plot, there would be 315 homes. The proposals include a 25% affordable housing provision which totals 103 homes.

The planner and agent for the scheme, Lichfields, said the two sites could deliver £59.4m of investment over the eight-year construction period. The homes would sit alongside projects to be brought forward by Redrow Homes and Miller Homes as part of the wider 200-acre development area.

According to Bellway, its “proposals have been designed to complement the planned development of other parts of the East Halewood SUE and achieve a coherent and comprehensive development in accordance with local planning policy and emerging East Halewood masterplan.”

Redrow submitted a hybrid application for 730 homes across two plots totalling 90-acres in October last year. Plot one is to the east of Greensbridge Lane and has plans in for up to 220 homes. Plot three is south of the Liverpool to Manchester railway and has plans for up to 510 homes.

Miller Homes also submitted plans for 162 homes on plot six in October last year.  The site is currently used by the Liverpool branch of the RSPCA and home to the grave of Blackie the War Horse, which is a designated heritage asset.

Both of these applications have yet to be decided.

Frances Lennon, planner at Lichfields, said: “Bellway has worked closely with Knowsley Council for a considerable period in order to bring forward these sites.”

The project was designed by APD Architects.

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If it looks like a garden village as in the illustration, then, along with Halsnead, Knowsley and Halewood in particular, will begin to offer something distinctive on Liverpool’s urban edge. Planners need to make sure places for people to come together are factored in to create real communities!

By Roscoe

Bellway atrocious even by the standards of a volume builder.


The woodland that is being destroyed next to the pond is the original part of finch wood and was there long before the rest of the woodland. Would be very sad to see it gone as it’s part of the finch wood as the people of halewood have always known it. I thought no houses were being built in the finch wood. Will be taking away loads of habitats fruit trees and so on

I’m angered by this

By Elliot

8 years to deliver 1500 homes, that`s less than 200 per year , no rush then.

By Anonymous

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