Latest proposals for bus station on view
Bolton Council and Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive are to hold consultation events to get feedback on the detailed plans for the proposed new bus station next to Bolton Rail Station.
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An outline planning application was submitted to Bolton Council in April this year following an earlier public consultation, and permission to relocate the bus station was granted in June. Aedas Architects is retained by GMPTE to design the new bus station.
Subject to securing the necessary approvals and permissions, construction could start during 2012 and be completed during 2014.
Cllr Richard Knowles, chairman of Greater Manchester Integrated Transport Authority's capital projects committee, said: "During the initial consultation, we received significant interest from residents keen to have their say about the bus station design.
"Where possible, we've amended the design to take into account the comments we received.
"This shows people that we do listen to their views, which are so important for an ambitious transport project like this, and I'd encourage everyone to get involved and find out more about what our plans involve."
A number of changes have been made to the proposed design following the previous consultation, including:
- linking the footbridge from the new bus station directly into the rail station
- widening the footpath around St Patrick's church
- working with Bolton Council and bus operators to agree bus routes to ensure the market and other areas of the town centre can continue to be easily accessed by bus.
Consultation on the detailed designs will run until 6 December. Exhibitions will be held at the following locations and times, and staff from GMPTE and Bolton Council will be on hand to discuss the plans:
New Unity Centre, Johnson Street, Bolton: Wednesday 20 October, 3pm-8pm
Victoria Square, Bolton: Saturday 30 October, 10am-4pm & Monday 15 November 2010, 10am-4pm
Bolton Market, Ashburner Street, Bolton: Tuesday 2 November, 10am-4pm
Moor Lane Bus Station Travelshop, Bolton: Friday 12 November, 7am-7pm
Town Hall One Stop Shop, Bolton Council, Victoria Square, Bolton: Monday 22 November, 8am-6pm
Unstaffed exhibitions of the plans will be on display at Moor Lane Bus Station Tavelshop and at Bolton Town Hall from Monday 18 October until 6 December. People can also find out about the plans by logging on to Comments can also be made by emailing, by writing to GMPTE Bolton Bus Station Consultation, FREEPOST RRHE-RKUU-KSJY, Manchester, M1 3BG, or phoning 0161 244 1587.
I would much rather there was increased investment in both the quantity and quality of rolling stock going to and from the train station itself. Particularly as the existing bus terminal outside the station is not terribly old. Indeed, the paltry 2.5 carriages that ferry the commuter cattle into Manchester at peak periods in the morning are laughable.
By Jam Packed
Surely this doesn’t mean the end of the brisk 10 minute walk between bus and rail stations? I’ve never actually seen the free Metro bus that takes in the 25 minute, long, ‘scenic’ route between rail and bus station. I do hope they remember to improve (both) station facilities (especially the toilets!), they’re a disgrace!
By Ivor Engine