Bartle Lane, Gleeson, c Google Earth

Gleeson's full 195-home scheme will be built over two phases. Credit: Google Earth

Gleeson’s 80-home Preston project approved

Gleeson Homes’ application to increase the number of houses on the land south of Bartle Lane has been approved.

Approval was given in November 2022 to construct 55 homes in phase one of a wider 195-home outline application, now the council has allowed the addition of 25 properties to the scheme, taking the total number of homes to 80.

The original applicant, Hollins Homes, went into administration in July. Gleeson stepped in to pick up the project.

PWA Planning was the planning consultant for the revised application. Urban Apex has drawn up the schemes’ designs.

The altered proposal is for 30 two-bed, 43 three-bed, and seven four-bedroom homes.

Approval is subject to a Section 106 agreement securing 30% affordable homes, a contribution to the east-west link road, and a transfer of a small parcel of land to Preston City Council.

Last week, Gleeson Homes put forward its plans to develop 161 homes off Chapel Lane in St Helens.

To view the application, use the reference number 06/2024/0773 on Preston City Council’s planning portal.

Your Comments

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It is ridiculous more and more houses and no infrastructure to support them. What about schools, shops, doctors and dentists. These warts system cannot cope now. It is just not sustainable. All the Council are interested in is how much council tax they can make to waste on some other stupid project.

By Shirley Rhodes

Shirley, houses in this area have been planned for decades! There is a £207million distributor road to get to shops at the local centres or city centre – so it is quite sustainable. Granted, there is a lack of provision with doctors and dentists but this is an NHS issue!

By Anonymous

It literally says that the development will be paying for affordable houses and a road – that is infrastructure.

By Barrington

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