Threadneedle rebrands Southport arcade

Threadneedle Property Investments' Southport shopping arcade Cambridge Walks has been rebranded as The Galleria.

Southport-based Concept PR was appointed to create a new campaign for the arcade last November.

New signage is being put on the Eastbank Street entrance as part of the rebranding.

The shopping centre is central to the cultural quarter development being planned by Sefton Council, with a two year refurbishment of the Arts Centre, library and art gallery amongst its £18m plans.

Kenneymoore Property Consultants and Antony Hill Partnership are joint letting agents.

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Were the tenants consulted first! – no Not very original to use an international brand name for a local shopping mall and a cafe at the entrance called the Gallery Grill

By Alpine Ranger

What an awful idea. “Re-branding” is another way of saying giving a meaningless name to somthing. Cambridge Walks (which probably cost nothing) sounds much better than the poncey “Galleria” which some agency was probably paid a fortune to come up with. Nobody in their right mind will use it.

By Paul

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