Flintshire tenders for school project
Flintshire County Council has published a tender for a construction contract for a new primary school in Shotton, Flintshire, North Wales.
The new school will replace Shotton Infant School and Taliesin Junior School and work will be carried out in two phases on the same site.
The council said the first phase will involve the construction of the new primary school and associated external works.
The second phase involves the demolition of the existing junior school and remodelling of the new school play areas and car park.
The new building will be single storey and include a nursery, seven classrooms, assembly hall, studio, kitchen and community facilities.
The proposed capacity for the school is 240 pupils plus 30 nursery pupils.
The £6.4m project is due to receive funding from the Welsh Assembly Government in 2012 and 2013, while the council is understood to be providing £1.9m of the costs towards the scheme.
The new school is scheduled to open in January 2014.
Deadline for submitting tenders is 12pm on Tuesday 12 July. For further details contact Andy Argyle at the council on 0135 270 1814.