Demolition paves way for next phase of Manchester hospital regen
The Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust has applied to demolish Park House at the North Manchester General Hospital.
Park House is surplus to requirements after the October 2024 completion of nearby £105m North View, a 150-bed mental health hospital, built to replace it.
Now, having stood empty since November 2024, the applicant is seeking to raze Park House to clear ground for its ongoing North Manchester General Hospital masterplan – billed as a healthy living campus that aims to redevelop the ageing 64-acre estate and features a residential component.
The demolition of Park House is due to commence this month and conclude at the end of April this year. WSP is assisting the trust with its application.
The trust has yet to clarify how the site will be redeveloped, but the wider 2021 North Manchester Hospital masterplan incorporates the Park House plot into its Healthy Neighbourhood Zone, which would offer housing for key workers, those who need extra care, the elderly, and step-down housing.
Plans would also provide research and development facilities and a commercial offer for the neighbourhood.
So far, two elements of the masterplan have been delivered, North View and Morgan Sindall’s 964-space car park.
To view the demolition application, use the reference number 141826/DEM/2025 in Manchester City Council’s planning portal.

The wider 2021 masterplan covers all 67 acres of the North Manchester Hospital. Credit: Manchester Foundation Trust