Plans submitted for ‘inspirational’ Altrincham leisure centre
Trafford Council wants to transform the old leisure centre into a modern facility with a 25-metre pool, health and wellbeing spa, indoor cycle studio, and more.
The current Altringham Leisure Centre sits off Oakfield Road and would be rechristened Move Altrincham after its refurbishment. The revamp is part of Trafford Council’s £52.1m plans to upgrade and improve the leisure centres of Altrincham, Sale and Stretford.
In addition to the 25-metre swimming pool, Move Altrincham would have a 20-metre learner pool, a pool pod for improved accessibility, and wet village change area. There would be a lobby that offered pool viewing as well as access to a café.
Designed by Pozzoni Architects, Move Altrincham would also have a health and wellbeing spa, a wellness assessment room, a fitness suite and two flexible studio spaces. Rounding out the proposals are an indoor cycle studio, a four-court sports hall, a gymnastics hub, and staff offices.
Sport England has already granted its support for the plan.
If approved by the planning committee, the refurbishment in Altrincham would take up to 18 months.
Trafford Council Leader Cllr Andrew Western said that the development would be “fantastic news for the people of Altrincham and the surrounding areas”.
He said: “This centre would be truly inspirational – like our move Urmston site. We are investing millions of pounds into this project as we believe that is the right thing to do to ensure residents are given top-class facilities to help them improve their health, fitness and wellbeing.”
Plans for the project have not yet been validated on the Trafford Council planning portal.
Its a disappointing option compared to the brand new facility that was approved and promised years ago. If this is the only option then Trafford need to crack on with it asap. The current facility is filthy and disgusting and quite frankly a disgrace for Altrincham. I wouldnt take my kids to the current pool as it a health hazard.
Lets hope the delivery doesn’t get bogged down in the usual Trafford red tape.
By Alty Resident
Nice steps.
By Mr. Shankly
The richest town in Trafford getting more and better facilities over it’s poorer and less well served neighbours AGAIN isn’t news. What about the fact that everywhere else is co distantly overlooked.
By Anonymous
Well done to the whole team. Client and architect. Sooner the better. Come on planning.
By Eric Johnson
I was part of a Council team considering its future nearly 20 years ago when Altair was conceived around the same time. Glad the money is there now for a proper revamp but never seems to be the right time to do these projects; now public borrowing looks like it’s on the rise again.
By Stockport lad
If the new centre is like Move Urmston, then it will not be user friendly. No Reception welcome and cashless. Most children miss out of having access to sports with there friends. Everything needs to be arranged in advance, no spur of the moment swim. Also there should be a change in Senior Management. All centres are short/under staffed. Standards have dropped to an all time low. CEO is not equipped to run a local community facility.
By Anonymous
Let’s have some ACTION on this for a change. We have rented a facility here for over 30 years and the place has been going steadily downhill for this time, but always the promise of a revamp. There is a serious staff shortage to begin with, and the place is a disgrace and health hazard as others have noted. Just turn up on a Friday evening and see loads of kids in BARE FEET walking all over the public entrance areas. This is an accident waiting to happen.
By Centre user of 30 years
No business mindset here. Altrincham could have had a brand new facility and not refurbishment. Residents of Altrincham could pay a higher membership due to their demographic. Instead, only a refurbishment in line with Stratford & Sale. Altrincham could have had a bespoke business model. There is enough money if the business plan and membership prices are modelled – Altrincham could have been done properly. This decision is more political. With the angle that all need refurbishment- this is myopic decision making to what could actually be provided for Altrincham. Not enterprising and short sighted.
By Anonymous
Has this stalled? From the outside it barely seems to be progressing. My home extension is moving quicker and I’m doing that myself.
Two years is a ridiculous amount of time for a major town to have no pool or public gym. Yet, we’re still paying for one in the council tax no doubt.
By Anonymous