Marketing + Communications

MIPIM: Was it worth the hassle?

Luma Marketing has been working in the property and construction industry for 20 years; we’ve been planning MIPIM campaigns since before we started covering our grey hair.

We’re delighted to be working with Place North West to share our marketing know-how with our industry peers – the same as always – but more widely. We look forward to having conversations with you – here, on our own social media and at industry events – look us up and say hello.

Like many of you, we are just back from MIPIM and we are all asking the same question. ‘Was it worth the hassle?’

How are you measuring success?

Our clients wanted their 2019 MIPIM to deliver:
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As marketers, we measure everything from the impact of your communications, through BD interaction to the data that the board is looking for: enquiries, proposals and revenue.
One leads to another.

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If it can’t be measured, we say don’t do it.

So this week, immediately after MIPIM, as you are doing your follow-ups, thank those that supported you and think about how you will do things differently next year.  You could structure your thinking like we do: by reputation, relationships, revenue and recall.

Reputation – how visible was your MIPIM campaign?

How many people saw or engaged with your email, social media and online activity? What was the sentiment of that interaction? How did it reflect your objectives and your own messages? How did your team get involved?

Relationships – how many were strengthened? How many were made?

In property and professional services, people buy people. So count them. How many people came to your events, invited your people to their events or asked to meet? There’s a hierarchy to an event like MIPIM:

Priority 1 – Current clients, live projects and open negotiations

Priority 2 – Open leads, cross-selling within your company, people you know and relationships you’ve been nurturing

Priority 3 – New connections

Before you get started on your follow ups, log it all in your database: who you spoke to, whether you knew them already or not, and what promise you made. Then deliver on your promise.

Revenue – time will tell, but keep it in mind.

Use your tags on your database to flag who you met so that you can track the results, from contact to lead, enquiry and eventually revenue. What contribution did those MIPIM conversations make to the bottom line? You’ll need to be able to prove it in order to have an informed conversation about next year’s investment. Before Christmas, please.

Recall – what did you learn?

MIPIM isn’t just about BD. It’s also about having fun – whatever that means to you. What did you learn? What surprised you? What trends did you see? What relationships did you build?
Share that knowledge with your colleagues and your clients; use it for creating content and for making the decision as to whether MIPIM was worth the hassle.

And did you have fun?

Tell us, while your recollections are still fresh.

Over coffee @Quay Street

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On LinkedIn @Luma Marketing

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