Liverpool Central II C LCR

With a design team still to be appointed, these are indicative images only. Credit: LCR CA

Images reveal thinking for Liverpool Central

With the Liverpool-Manchester Railway Board announced this week, fresh images released show what the station could look like.

In March, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority declared itself in the market for a strategic partner to develop a regeneration strategy for the area around one of the busiest rail hubs in the country.

Land and buildings bound by Renshaw Street, Bold Street, and Ranelagh Street in Liverpool city centre present an opportunity to create an enhanced gateway to the city centre, LCR said, with a £1m contract up for grabs to lead on the vision.

Although that contract has not yet been awarded, indicative images have been put together. These show a much-transformed design for the hub, which – as has been commented on in depth by Place North West readers – could offer connections to Manchester Airport of 25 minutes.

The respective city councils and combined authorities have put forward the transport improvement programme as a £17bn link that will maximise the potential of each city region, with LCR mayor Steve Rotherham telling an audience at UKREiiF that “this will not be like HS2 – this is going to happen”.

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These are just images and nothing more but if they told us what the brief was then things could be bit clearer, are they suggesting a reborn ground level Central Station as a terminus for longer distance trains, leaving the underground station to cater for Merseyrail only? There`s also the issue of the Victoria and Wapping Tunnels, will they be used at all, as the Wapping Tunnel gives access to the old Wapping Goods Station, which is mostly still available and could be used as a terminus, although a section of nearby land at Kings Dock Street is earmarked for a residential development from Carpenter Ltd, and its due to go on site very soon.

By Anonymous

How about a rail service to Liverpool Airport also?

By Anonymous

This is the busiest station outside of London it defiantly needs this upgrade with a link to the cities own airport LJL

By Anonymous

Anonymous 4:29 pm: Liverpool Central is far from the busiest station outside of London, that is Birmingham New Street which deals with nearly three times as many passengers, Leeds Central and Manchester Piccadilly have more than twice as many passengers. It may be the busiest underground station outside of London.

By Local Interest

@ Anonymous 4:29pm FYI it’s the busiest underground station outside London, not overall station (that’s Birmingham New Street, with Liverpool Central being number 10)

By Anonymous

More delusion from the usual suspects.

By Busiest Station IN THE WORLD

Not stopping at Liverpool Airport is madness.

By Anonymous

My apologies it’s the busiest underground station outside London In the Best looking city in the UK.

By Baltic Station

The sleeping giant is just starting to arouse.

By Mark

Absolute nonsense. The whole ‘joint’ scheme is aimed at Mcr leaving us with this stupid canopy as a consolation prize..
Regional mayor Rotherham has finally lost the plot.

By Eric

Leeds is the busiest station in the north

By Anonymous

Looks decent

By Anonymous

“Images show what it could look like…” rather reminds me of the days gone by of dodgy property schemes set up to fleece pensioners on the promise of high returns.

As others have pointed out, this is a trickery when the real prize would be challenging the spend of £17bn+ on a needless, previously unasked for underground station in Manchester.

Central has been on the cards for a compulsory rebuild anyway, so just what is this. A fast train to Manchester Airport, and keeping them in the HS2 game. Paid for with our allocation of transport spending plus an as yet to be announced council tax and business rates precept.

Utter con.

By Jeff

Great idea to invest in public transport infrastructure although I think the canopy design is a bit 1990’s.

By Anonymous

Lots of comments , often angry , here and elsewhere the rail link to the airport, the editors need to arrange an interview with the metro may to ask him the reasons why this is not being delivered

By George

Even a rough estimate on a calculator would deduce Manchester and its airport would get about £15b out of the £17b,
leaving Liverpool and Warrington to share out the other £2b.
Of course these costs will spiral , it’s a nap.

By Anonymous

Don’t the people of the Liverpool City Region get to say where we want a train line going to? We would rather use our own Airport thanks and create jobs here yes here in Liverpool

By Anonymous

Yes PNW would be great if you could arrange an interview with Steve ??? ))

By Anonymous

It’s gobsmacking…

…that a prime location above the busiest underground station outside London isn’t being considered for high rise tower development in a perfect opportunity for transit-oriented development.

You could have student flats, apartments, hotel, offices, all 4. But no, lets have a single story building. Down on the docks/Liverpool Waters, they’re creating a park right on the waterfront by filling in an historic dock.

The Council, the Combined Authority and Peel are an embarrassment. We need a pension fund or proper development company to come in and buy these prime spot assets that have been languishing for years.

By DenseCity

Another property cycle. Another vision for central station. Only hope is that it gets delivered.

By Stevo

Liverpool Central has been badly in need of expansion for many years now so support that, however is Steve and his team looking at other obvious opportunities to improve the local rail network that can also be a benefit nationally. Edge Hill Station is badly underused but can have a great future if the long discussed re-opening of the Wapping and Victoria Tunnels takes place, which can feed short-distance services into Central or beyond and free up space at Lime St. In addition a bit of joined up thinking could also see a renaissance for the Edge Hill area as there are big areas of land, like the old Taskers store, that can have high-density housing for residents who can take advantage of improved local and national rail connections. Edge Hill Station could then act in a similar way to Spandau Station on the edge of Berlin ie bringing passengers in from medium and longer distances so they can alight and join the local commuter network before clogging up the city centre stations.

By Anonymous

I see this as just a token gesture. I see and hear little from Rotheram and the rest of the gang that they are serious about improving transport in the Liverpool City Region and see and hear little to think Rotheram is a serious player. Manchester get’s a new Piccadilly we get a Central station makeover. Piccadilly had that make over a few years ago. Their main two stations compared to Lime Street, different world.

By David

Yes David 28 May , Lime Station is underwhelming especially compared to Piccadilly. Lime St is a hotchpotch with no main departure board over where the London and Birmingham platforms are.
Also there are empty units available for retail which have been vacant for some time, however good to see recently on the planning forum there are moves afoot to convert the former travel and information office into a small supermarket and other food/coffee outlets. As regards outlets it would be good to see the likes of Leon or Itsu in the station, especially over near platforms 7-10, in addition how about some automatic ticket barriers there as at present people get to step on and off the trains and platforms as they please.

By Anonymous

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