Bellway starts on Hyde housing
The housebuilder has started redeveloping the site of a former dairy off Dukinfield Road after securing planning permission on appeal in 2015.
Outline planning permission was granted after an appeal in February 2015 for the site; this included an industrial unit to the western end, alongside up to 87 houses to the east facing Broadway.
The initial application was brought to appeal by the site’s former owner Commercial Development Projects following a non-determination, although Tameside Council said it would have been refused had it been determined.
CDP subsequently sold the site to Bellway, which is now looking to deliver housing on the plot.
The 36,000 sq ft industrial unit has already been completed, and Bellway has subsequently started work on 78 three and four-bed semi-detached and detached houses on the site, which covers around 5.3 acres.
The site also borders existing properties on Dukinfield Road and new-build houses to the north. Access is via Broadway, and the housing mix is split between 36 semi-detached and 42 detached homes.
The housebuilder secured reserved matters consent for the development early last year, and the professional team on the project also includes Turley as planner and architect APD.