Wirral Partnership Homes submits plans for housing scheme
A social landlord and the NHS have teamed up to build a £10m housing scheme at West kirby on the Wirral.
Wirral Partnership Homes (WPH) and NHS Wirral are submitting plans for 58 houses and a health centre at West Kirkby on the site of sheltered housing block, Bridge Court.
WPH plans to offer tenants a five-year tenancy agreement with the option to buy through shared ownership at the end of the term.
It said rents will be 20% below the market rate to help residents save deposits to buy their homes.
The 25,000 sq ft health centre, which will replace three GP surgeries, includes 18 consulting rooms, six general treatment rooms, a play area, clinical stores and a library.
WPH's chief executive, Brian Simpson, said: "There is huge demand for housing in West Kirby. Our plans will go a long way in helping local people by providing modern, energy efficient homes that will be unrecognisable compared to the previous properties at Bridge Court and really compliment the area.
"We are delighted to be working in partnership with NHS Wirral as we share a vision to provide the best facilities possible for West Kirby residents."