Wain Estates tables Stockport Green Belt plans
Located off Lytham Drive in Bramhall, the developer’s scheme comprises 68 homes.
Wain Estates has submitted an outline planning application to Stockport Council for a residential development in the Green Belt. Of the 68 homes planned, half would be available on affordable tenures.
While the site falls within the Green Belt, consultant Emery Planning says that it constitutes previously developed brownfield land. The 6.7-acre plot, situated immediately north of Bramhall Golf Club, is currently used as an equestrian facility.
Under Wain Estate’s plans, the existing buildings on the site would be demolished to make way for the homes.
Stockport Council Leader Cllr Mark Hunter has previously made clear that the authority will take a brownfield-first approach to development and does not want to see land in the Green Belt developed.
However, Stockport finds itself without an up-to-date local plan and is unable to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply. This could work in Wain Estate’s favour.
“Cumulatively, the benefits of the proposed development are very substantial,” according to a planning statement prepared by Emery.
“As such, even if the council concludes that there would be substantial harm to the openness of the Green Belt – and this harm is attributed substantial weight – the benefits of the proposed development would clearly outweigh any harm to the Green Belt and any other harm arising from the proposal.”
To learn more about the project, search for reference number DC/091485 on Stockport Council’s planning portal.
Stockport finds itself without an up-to-date local plan as a result of bailing on the GMSF and is unable to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply.
Bramhall is the nice part of Stockport, don’t ruin it
By Gilly
Stockport would be much nicer, if there were enough homes for people to live in.
By Golly
Are the fencing and bodywork occupants aware?
By Swampy
The Stockport council members were told that this scenario was more likely if they withdrew from the GMSF but they chose short term political advantage over reality.
By Anonymous
Just now waiting for a Labour government to set a more demanding housing target and they are goosed.
By Rich X
In fairness, this is almost all going to be built on brownfield land, including what is currently an eye sore of an auto-repairs bodyshop and yard. So, it will be an aesthetic improvement to the area. However, will the stables and equestrian centre be replaced?
By Anon
@April 02, 2024 at 3:29 pm
By Rich X
The Labour proposal is for 1.5m houses over five years – which works out as 300,000 per annum. The same target as the Conservative’s 300,000 per annum. Which hasn’t been met. I don’t believe the Labour one will be met either.
By Anonymous
Developers should realise that Stockport is not part of Greater Manchesters building policy by using Green Belt. If Wain Estates want to build, then use an Industrial Estate that’s near Their offices
By Evie
The residents, myself included will do everything we can to stop this from happening. I live on lytham drive and to only have Lytham drive as the only access road is a joke. The traffic is bad enough as it is. 60 ‘affordable’ homes?? I would love to know what they class as affordable!!!
By Anonymous
Unacceptable, there is no infrastructure to support more development in this area, especially on green belt.
By Anonymous
Yes Bramhall is a nice place. It’s had a bypass along with Poynton wilmslow Alderley edge cheadle hulme. High lane hazel grove and Disley now which are nice places had the traffic dumped on them. Marple congested. Offertory congested. Wheres the bypass here and affordable housing.
By M Harrison graham
This council is useless as stopping the green belt being developed (Heald Green, Jackson Lane, Mirrlees etc). And this site is adjacent to farmland so more blight to follow. Soon it will all be a suburban sprawl. Useless councillors and MPs. Shame on you. You are ineffective. Empty promise after empty promise. Yet you waste millions on empty bike lanes. Bizarre.
By Andy
Evie, the irony is that if Stockport had remained in the Greater Manchester “building policy” this type of development would have less chance of being approved because both Manchester and Salford agreed to take some of Stockports house building quota. As Stockport have no plan of their own and lack sufficient land supply for the housing need in the Borough this proposal is likely to get approved by the planning inspectorate. The Councillors in Stockport have badly let down their constituents by pulling out of the GM framework.
By Anonymous
I say no green belt should left alone we will have none left soon
By Anonymous
With this excellent location to only build this many houses does not make use of the overall site footprint.With the heavy demand for social housing would it not be better if three or four high rise buildings were constructed instead.
By Mr Paul Griffiths
Houses have to be constructed to very high standards these days if they are to comply with current Building Regulations because of much higher energy savings eg insulation heat pumps etc solar panels etc so the new houses will probably be unaffordable for people on average salaries.No matter if the next goverment is Labour or Conservative they will inherit this problem to build thousands of new homes over the next few years plus the additional problems with surface water drainage and sewage.Far more LA Building Inspectors and Town Planners throughout the UK are going to be required.
By Mr Paul Griffiths
Define affordable, everything is affordable to someone,completely meaningless
By Paul
There is too much traffic already in Bramhall the Dairy ground estate in particular is like a car park to get on and off already. Lytham Drive is a small narrow road and to provide access here is dangerous. Any extra houses will cause additional traffic problems and risks to the local community Thus is an ill thought through plan
By Anonymous
I live on Warton close, directly on the traffic route to the farm. I have string abjections to the planning of the 68 houses for fear of this leading onto the 700 that’s Wain estate are also looking at building
Great Idea , we already have horrendous traffic queues on and off the Dairy ground estate. And affordable homes for Bramhall equates to approximately £360.000 , not exactly starter homes for the local young families. I suspect this planning application is just the start of the Wain estates plan for 710 houses on the same Greenbelt land.
By Mike Green
Some of these comments are hilarious. People clearly have no understanding of what brownfield or Green Belt actually means. This is previously developed land within the GB – i.e. it already has development on it. Replacing that with houses does not mean building on fields. This is surely consistent with what most of you actually want? Well, that’s for the people who just don’t want any development whatsoever so that their property prices can keep increasing beyond the reach of everyone but others who have benefited from unrelenting property price growth over the last couple of decades!
By Anonymous
The problems really come with the congestion, 300 or so cars from 68 houses piling down tiny Lytham drive in the mornings and evenings adding to the already busy dairyground road, its absolutely nuts and not thought through at all. If anything the traffic should avoid Dairyground estate altogether and a new road be built north going to that road that meets up with the bypass near woodford/poynton.
I can’t really see any problem with this particular scheme.
By Rye
We have enough traffic on our local roads and I remember when the heavy vehicles made the windows and doors rattle numerous times of the day on our house when
transporting equipment to and from the building of the by pass that had been stored on land near dairy ground farm. I would hate that to start again and lytham drive residents must be worried sick.
By Seal rd resident
Absolutely crazy to build there, there is no access to this land currently without churning up Lytham Drive, more traffic on Dairyground makes no sense. Stick to brownfield sites,there are plenty of them in the stockport area and it will make that new property more affordable. New homes in Bramhall will.start at £400k plus, how’s that affordable for first time buyers etc.?
By Dave Darbyshire