Spring start due on Farnworth affordable homes

Housing association Bolton at Home has gained planning permission for 60 homes as part of its drive to “significantly increase the number of affordable homes in the borough.”

Bolton at Home will work with development and construction partner Watson Homes to build the 48 apartments and 12 houses on the overgrown two-acre site at Campbell Street.

The project will be made up of two three-storey apartment blocks built close to the Campbell Street boundary. This will create 24 one-bedroom and 24 two-bedroom apartments.

The 12 houses, arranged in three terraces, will be built to the rear of the site and are made up of six three-bedroom and six two-bedroom homes.

All of the homes will be available for affordable rent.

Work will begin in the spring and is expected to complete in autumn 2021.

Paul Philbin, head of development and homeownership for Bolton at Home, said: “Bolton, like other places, has a shortage of good quality affordable homes and many people are living at risk of homelessness. We’re working hard with our development partners to give more people a better opportunity to live in a safe, secure and energy-efficient home at a comparably low rent level.

“We’ll continue to seek opportunities, funding and approval to provide the types and numbers of properties in places where they’re needed to give local people housing options and help keep them connected with their families and communities.”

TADW Architects worked on the scheme.

Your Comments

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Clearing that type of site in the spring conflicts with the bird nesting season.

By Simon Farnworth

What sales price is affordable? And who can afford it / No one ever puts a price to affordable – it is a deflection for construction companies and PR men to make it look like they are building homes for many when it is only those who have money of a higher bracket.

By Alan Y

Alan Y

Affordable is a definitive term. It usually means that the property is being rented or sold by a Registered Provider. Its not a comment on price.

By Mis-Manager

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