Image courtesy of Peel Waters – CGI showing proposed Liverpool Waters development low res cropped

Credit: Peel Waters / If We Ran The Zoo.

Peel ready with updated Liverpool Waters masterplan

Scheduled to be submitted to the city council next month, the waterside regeneration specialist promises the scale of the project and ambition to transform the northern docks remains unchanged.

But the plan has been updated to include suggestions from the local community to reflect societal changes since the original 30-year regeneration project was approved more than a decade ago.

Changes since the original plan was drafted range from an increased trend in home and hybrid working, to Everton FC’s development of a new stadium in the vicinity.

EFC Stadium foregound Central Docks background March courtesy of Peel Waters x

The revised Liverpool Waters masterplan takes into account Everton FC’s Bramley Moore Dock stadium. Credit: Peel Waters / If We Ran The Zoo

Peel Waters says community engagement undertaken last year, reflected positivity and excitement from locals about the Liverpool Waters scheme.

More public green spaces and further efforts to preserve to unique features of the docks, through to the creation of more open space celebrating the site’s maritime heritage, were among the ideas put forward in feedback.

Diverse and affordable housing, community connectivity, and good access also featured heavily in the responses.

Sustainability and better access to public transport is also a key feature, along with infrastructure to support cycling.

Chris Capes, development director for Liverpool Waters, said: “We are really grateful to everyone who took the time to share their views on the future of our city’s waterfront.

“This was a very important part of the process in the future development of Liverpool Waters and the feedback we received was incredibly valuable. The people of Liverpool have contributed, and we have acted on it.

“We have created a new masterplan that is very exciting for the city of Liverpool and everyone who lives and works here. We are looking forward to submitting the revised Liverpool Waters masterplan to Liverpool City Council in mid-June.”

Further details of the revised masterplan, including new CGI images, will be released when the plan is submitted to the council in a few weeks’ time.

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Blah, blah, blah…

By Roy

blah blah, Liverpool Waters should be in its final phase already. Its time Peel sold to an actual developer who can bring the docks back to life with high quality dense housing, offices, retail and leisure….hello Canary Wharf group.

By GetItBuilt!

The only public transport you’ll get down there is a bus, meanwhile you’d think at this stage Peel would have some big developers lined up. Green spaces are welcome but can we make them easy to maintain as the park already announced for the central docks would look ok in the suburbs but this is on a waterfront where the wind and the waves can be ferocious and cause damage to unsuitable grasses, plants, and shrubs.

By Anonymous


By Anonymous

The number 1 bus used to run the length of the dock road, 7 miles, the conductor would shout ” Sandhills , Huski” , if it ever happens can’t imagine “Liverpool Waters” having the same impact.

By Anonymous

So the cunning plan enters another era.

By Eric

Scaled down yet again step in Redrow its going to become just another housing estaste with a few affordable houses stuck in the far corner more green space on top of the already planned Central park will require more dock infill. Peel the kings of procrastination

By Wardietony

Peel’s record of delivery is lamentable and Liverpool Waters is the embodiment of their failings to deliver on the potential of the site. Without a shadow of a doubt there will be another press statement from Peel in 3-4 years time, with a new draft plan, a new vision, a new strategy because the previous 3-4 years has been marked by nothing but failure and no delivery.

By StevO

pls build some high quality 60+ floors towers

By tony

The whole area should be full of skyscrapers to make an incredible waterfront skyline!


Bring back the overhead railway

By Anonymous

Hmmm. Well they had better not fill the Canal in to create more green space or will be seen as peeling back on their numerous Masterplans snd interations

By Bill

We need BOLD ideas in our cities not 30 year masterclass, masterplans aren’t 30 year ideas, places will naturally develop over a 30 year period, Manchester has changed beyond recognition in half that time with the help of Peel…a robust plan to offer sonething unique and groundbreaking is what’s needed.. filling am old docklands with new apartments and offices isn’t exciting, what a cool new public transport system that incorporates seamlessly with the city centre to create a destination in its own right? NOT impressed.

By Cristoforo

Yet another masterplan and I am sure yet more strategies to come for the future but little if anything gets built. Have Peel been taking lessons from the Liverpool City Council’s school of planning? I certainly think so!

By Brendan R

For goodness sake just get on with it

By Anonymous

Yawn. Heard it all before. Move like a glacier.

By Anonymous

If the river was in Manchester …this project would have been done and dusted years ago..

By Tercol

Am I missing something here. Wasn’t it Liverpool City Council planning department and UNESCO that destroyed any ambition that Peel had. The latter two brain dead organisations are directly responsible for the lack of progress regarding Liverpool Waters and not Peel in my opinion.

By Stephen Hart

Liverpool Waters requires a more ambitious City Council supporting high rise clusters. Until the Council adopt a more strategic policies akin to Manchester, sites like this will be mundane, low rise and uninspiring. But hey if that’s what planners dictate.


The “once in a generation” MediaCityUK master plan / reserved matters planning application / permission of 2016 proposed 1900 resi units, 52,000m2 office, 4,400m2 live work and 5,200 retail leisure. What’s come forward is a single development of 280 apartments. The recent stategic framework proposes “an ambitious vision for future development…..etc, etc…inspired by design led waterfronts such as Oslo….etc, etc”.
Draw you own conclusions; you’ll be pleased to know that inspite of the glacial pace of regeneration, they still have the full confidence of their backers in the Council.

By anonymous

Peel are good at two three things, new masterplans; rowing boat races in the docks and sitting on land

By Anonymous

Knock down that ugly view-blocking one-mile long Berlin stone wall for a start.

By Anonymous

Its like watching a stampede of turtles

By James

Dear Peel Waters Holdings. Don’t forget to take care of the major road link to the Port of Liverpool. Dunningsbridge Road is in desperate need of sympathetic care and attention. We’ve already lost a valuable bridge.

By Anne

@Anon 6.15pm, you call it an ugly Berlin style wall but a lot of it still stands in Berlin as a monument. The dock wall here is a listed structure and has historic significance and to those with vision is still attractive and will not hinder development on the waterfront. There is a high wall around most of Buckingham Palace no one suggests pulling that down. We’ve discarded too much historic infrastructure in this city like the Sailors Home, Overhead Railway, and our trams.

By Anonymous

Starmer claimed he wouldn’t forget Liverpool when he gets elected.

If so, the power to seize land from Manc landbankers would be appreciated.

By Jeff

Tercol, the Mersey starts in Stockport and runs through South Manchester before flowing through Cheshire and Merseyside.

By Anonymous

Was originally a £5Billion development but like usual in Liverpool it’s been scaled back.

By Tommy

Roy… It will just be a playground for the rich if it ends up like the isle of dogs

By Richard

@May 26 “playground for the rich”,wouldn’t that be good if more wealthier people were attracted to Liverpool city-centre living, they have spending power that would benefit shops and businesses. We surely don’t want a city of Levelling Down, in which everyone does the same, and thinks the same, we have to be allowed to expand our minds and aspirations or we just stagnate. As long as it’s achieved legitimately why shouldn’t you be wealthy, if we can get quality, expensive, homes on the waterfront then why not, let’s be honest we have acres of derelict land in the inner city, along the arterial roads and in the suburbs to build, so-called, affordable housing. As soon as some people in this city lose the idea that we all have to be equal then we might function better.

By Anonymous

Leave all the rich people in London, in the north we want only cheap housing and free everything

By Anonymous

Peel may be ready to present yet another masterplan for Liverpool Waters; this simply means as all the other times before, that they are actually not ready to build anything.

By Stephen Davis.

Peel are all talk. Particularly when it comes to LW. It’s embarrassing really. It’ll be downgraded to nothing more than a few homes like the south docks, making the area off limits to the majority of people.

The area has the potential for so much. Liverpool waterfront is so recognisble. But under developed.

Peel are so very lucky that Everton have bookended LW but I wouldn’t hold my breath for developments between Bramley Moore and Princes Dock.

By David

Peel showing little sign of commencing the promised new park at Central Docks.
Meanwhile there is no reason why new developments aren’t being announced between Waterloo Dock and up near the Everton Stadium, or maybe the reality is they haven’t got any.

By Anonymous

So many idiotic comments here. You need a string underlying economy to create a need for buildings that can generate a return for investors. Liverpool just doesn’t have that, hence whoever is sitting on the land there is no demand for 60-storey skyscrapers.

By Graham

There’s no demand for towers because there are lots of nice places to live in Liverpool already

By Anonymous

@ Graham, TJ Morris wants to build some tall towers because he knows how to get things done, unlike Peel.

By Anonymous

A dockland light railway would be fantastic for this area. Saying you’re ambitious is one thing, being ambitious is another. Get it built indeed.

By Anonymous

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