New Brighton public realm plans on show
Wirral Council will display its plans for proposed environmental and public realm improvements in New Brighton at the Floral Pavilion for three days from Tuesday 29 to Thursday 31 May.
The £1.3m environmental and public realm proposals will focus on the landward stretch of the promenade from Neptune Developments' mixed-use Marine Point development to Victoria Parade and will include footpaths, road surfaces and car parking, landscaping, lighting and street furniture, signage, pedestrian flow, crossing points, junction improvements at Victoria Parade and Fort Perch Rock car park.
Cllr Pat Hackett, cabinet member for regeneration and planning strategy, said: "Plans are moving forward for New Brighton with officers working hard to ensure the proposed improvements preserve and enhance the unique physical character of the seaside town. We are keen to receive residents' views on the plans and I urge as many people as possible to view the display at the end of May."
The council's proposals include the removal of some of the existing brick planters to allow for improved visibility at pedestrian crossing points along with the provision of additional car parking spaces to cope with the increased demand of visitors to the town. At the easterly end of the promenade it is proposed to reopen the junction of Victoria Parade and Marine Promenade by introducing a roundabout around the town square plinth.
The plans will be available to view on the first floor at the Floral Pavilion from Tuesday 29 through to Thursday 31 May from 11am to 6pm. Council officers will also be on hand to advise on the proposals and to listen to residents views.