Top tips for live video blogging property events: MIPIM 2018

MIPIM 2018

It’s that time of the year when 2018’s big property events are being talked about and planned – particularly MIPIM 2018. The partners have already been announced and property leaders from across Manchester are deciding what they’re going to get out of this year’s event.

One thing that’s gained traction across property events like MIPIM over the years is social media and video. Live video blogging is a great way to showcase yourself as a thought leader and be seen on a huge scale across social media, whether it’s through Facebook Live, Instagram stories or Twitter’s live-streaming service Periscope.

It’s important to think about what you want to showcase whilst you’re streaming your time at MIPIM 2018, so here’s our top tips for live video blogging:

Have a plan

Don’t go into MIPIM without a plan. Have a rough idea of where you want to visit, what conferences you want to see and what your audience will take the most away from.

You don’t need to completely stick to this as other seminars and speeches will no doubt arise that will take precedent, but having an idea will keep your head clear.

Without a plan, you’ll be live-streaming anything you come across, regardless of relevancy, and quickly lose viewers and potential business.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Go to places of interest, speak to people of interest

The key thing you need to remember when live streaming is that you’re doing it for your audience, not yourself. What would they want to see?

Remember that it’s always okay to ask questions, so pose the question to your followers and see what they come back with.

Property events like MIPIM 2018 will be rife with big new commercial reveals, relevant panellists and city influencers, so take the time to fit these into your schedule and be the first to stream the events on your social media.

By letting all of your followers know in advance that you’ll be live streaming these important MIPIM updates and using the #MIPIM2018 hashtag, you’ll be opening yourself up to a huge audience and become the go-to person for MIPIM updates.

This will be huge for your personal brand awareness, as well as the company you’re live-streaming on behalf of.

Pay attention

It’s easy to get side-tracked by the actual video blogging (vlogging) and not pay attention to what’s going on around you, but it’s important to stay focused.

During any one conference a speaker could come out with breaking news, and you might just have the exclusive on video.

If this is the case, publish the video on your website, utilise best practice SEO, post it on social media and watch as your website traffic and brand name grows.

Yet again, this allows you to position yourself head and shoulders above your competitors as an industry leader.

Let people see it from their own perspective

People love to get the real experience of an event, and being made to feel like they’re actually there with you is an experience you can only really achieve through live vlogging.

When you’re walking around Cannes, see a particularly inspiring view or want to show the hustle and bustle of the property enthusiasts, live stream your experience to your followers.

On Facebook and Twitter, your followers will get a notification that you’ve gone live so they can jump onto the stream and watch, whilst on Instagram, you’ll have a special place on people’s Instagram Stories timeline so they can click on the link and join your experience.

And that’s it!

Those are just a few tips and tricks to ensure your live video blogging is a success with your audience during MIPIM 2018. Video accounts for 79% of all consumed content in 2017, and that’s only set to grow next year!

If you want to explore this a little bit further, get in touch with us at Roland Dransfield to find out how we can help you. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram to stay up-to-date on all things property, PR and marketing.

Damian Leonard

Social Media and Content Manager

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