Funding secured for Carlisle Station Gateway
Government backing of £20m through the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal has been confirmed, enabling work to move forward on the improvement of the railway station and its approaches.
The £394.5m growth deal was agreed on in July 2019 by its partners, and is due to be signed off in full by March 2021. Carlisle
The Carlisle Station Gateway project includes:
- Northern Gateway: Partial pedestrianisation of Court Square, enhancements to the space for passengers to enter and exit the station with easy access to ticket purchasing facilities. It will significantly reduce vehicular movements to the north of the station and Court Square, with improved connection to the city centre.
- Station building and interior: Enhancements to the access to the platforms from the north and the undercroft using an easily accessible stairway. The undercroft will also be enhanced to provide a secure and welcoming entrance to the station from the south. Secure cycle parking, an improved historic entrance from the north, and improved/modernised passenger facilities are also included.
- Southern Gateway: A new southern entrance and car park will be created at the Southern part of the station. A total of 423 station car parking spaces is proposed, including disabled and electric bays. Coach services, rail replacement services and pick-up and drop-off will also be relocated to the southern side of the station. Cumbria County Council has recently acquired the Station Retail Park to enable delivery of the new Southern Gateway.
- Enabling streets and junctions: Junction improvements at Victoria Viaduct / James Street, Water Street, Crown Street and Court Square Brow to improve access to the station, particularly for pedestrians.
The project is being developed jointly by Cumbria County Council and Carlisle City Council working with Avanti, Network Rail and Cumbria LEP as key partners – the county council is project lead.
Further public consultation on the proposed scheme will be undertaken in early in 2021.
Cllr Stewart Young, leader of Cumbria County Council, said: “This important regeneration project will ultimately encourage more passengers to use the station and create a more attractive gateway to the city centre.
“This investment demonstrates the benefit of the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal for the region and I am pleased that the County Council is taking a lead role in facilitating the delivery of this project working alongside our partners.”
The Borderlands Partnership is made up of Carlisle City Council, Cumbria County Council, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Northumberland County Council, Scottish Borders Council.
A search was started for a design team in September 2019 for the station project in conjunction with the redevelopment of the Citadels, which could now include a campus for the University of Cumbria.
As an former Cumbrian now living in Cheshire I appreciate these occasional articles on the remote outpost of Carlisle, keep it up PNW.
By Tom