Pavilion Wharf, Forshaw, p.Maslow Capital

Domis is on site delivering the project. Credit: via Maslow Capital

Forshaw strikes £26m deal for Salford resi 

Maslow Capital is funding the construction of the developer’s 160-apartment Pavilion Wharf project.

The lender has provided a £26m loan for the Salford project, which has previously been known as City View and River Plaza. 

The loan is the second Maslow has given to Forshaw after the lender funded the developer’s 66-apartment Halo in Manchester in 2019. 

Rachael Gordon, head of deal execution at Maslow Capital said: “We take great pride in building strong relationships with valued partners like Forshaw Land & Property. 

“Our ongoing collaboration is a reflection of our confidence in their ability to deliver exceptional projects, and we are delighted to support their growth and success.” 

The 17-storey Pavilion Wharf is located on the banks of the River Irwell in the Ordsall area of Salford and was approved by the city council in March 2022.   

As well as a mix of one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments, the scheme will provide a gym, residents lounge, and coworking spaces. 

Domis Construction is on site delivering the scheme, which has been in the pipeline since 2016. 

The Derwent Street development has gone through a series of iterations since it was first revealed six years ago.  

Back then, the scheme reached 27 storeys and featured 183 apartments.   

Those plans, designed by DLA Architecture, were scaled back to 21 storeys in 2018 before being approved, but work did not start on site.   

Two years later, Forshaw drafted in Jon Matthews Architects to refresh the designs. This saw the project scaled back to 14 storeys and 130 apartments.   

A fourth iteration, featuring 160 apartments across 17 storeys, came to light in 2021 as Property Alliance Group looked to join Forshaw on the scheme in a joint venture. 

However, last year, the developer’s managing director Lyndon Forshaw confirmed the JV was no longer on the table. 

Renaissance is the structural engineer and TPM Landscape is the landscape architect.     

Lichfields is advising on planning. 

Your Comments

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What a dull, repetitive design. Where’s the joy in that? Do planning officers actually do anything these days?

By Js1000

That looks terrible

By Anonymous

It’s such a shame what has happened to the Ordsall developments. With some developments butting right up to the pavement and /or the riverbank, little though has been given to making it, as a whole, an attractive place to live. There could have been trees, green space, just a decent space to walk / cycle down the riverbank but with no overarching plan it’s been piecemeal re-development with some poor design and no reason to deliver anything other than the bare minimum, as this one seems to demonstrate. A wasted opportunity.

By harpisord

Looks neat and tidy and refreshingly lacking in gimmickry. No balconies though which to me is an indicator that this is for short term rentals only. Presumably Salford’s planners are cognisant of that and have planned for a lot of household churn in that area?

By Balcony watch

It’s a very Manchester building

By Dan

Yeah Balcony Watch . Everyone is cognisant of this from planners to architects. Obvious really.

By Anonymous

Looks like a Lego brick. Wasted opportunity for a riverside location. Nothing really happening at canal level. I can picture graffiti on that expanse of wall already. And it will have taken over a decade to deliver since it was first proposed. It’s definitely a broken system when it takes planners many months to get back to developers on proposals and any changes instead of weeks which is what it used to be. As well as the huge number of pointless reports which are never really looked at and have to be re-written with every change. Wonder how much the interest has cost to date and the (at least) 3 sets of architects and design teams for all the different owners on purchasing the site and holding it for so long…all wasted costs that are never recovered and could have been utilised in the the REAL economy instead of ending up in funders pockets.

By anon

Really nice design. Brick rationalism – great job Bernard Matthews.

By Peter

It’s a brown blob. And where are the balconies? Please put some effort into schemes like this

By Balcony Warrior

This development needs balconies.

By Nick

Nothing new under the Sun.

By John

I personally couldn’t live here due to the lack of balconies. Otherwise solid-looking scheme though. Developers and Manchester/Salford planners need to start insiting on balconies – they serve multiple purposes and make the street below safer through natural surveillance, as well as obvious benefits for residents. Try harder next time

By no thanks

Oh no , the balcony bloke has split into three ! The more he comments the less the planners seem to listen, like this development for example. Ironic really .

By Anonymous

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