EVENT: Minerals & Waste; not all rubbish
RTPI NW is holding an event next month to consider the implications of post-National Planning Policy Framework reforms on minerals and waste planning.
The event will include updates on a range of minerals and waste planning issues including guidance and Local Plans using a case study approach to highlight examples of best and innovative practice.
The programme includes:
Planning for unconventional oil and gas Local Authority experience. Speaker John Martin, Urban Vision Partnership
Environmental risk and permitting regime for unconventional oil and gas. Sarah Scott, Environment Agency
Planning for unconventional oil and gas the developer experience. John Blaymires, IGas
Waste needs assessments and Duty to Co-operate. Gill Tatum, 4Resources and Carolyn Williams, Urban Vision Partnership
Tour of GMWDA Bredbury Park facility
The event is due to take place on Tuesday 29 April at Bredbury Parkway in Stockport.