Enterprise Arcade to advance in Southport
Sefton Council’s cabinet will next week be asked to sign off on work at the Crown Buildings to house the 9,700 sq ft digital incubator space, one of its Town Deal projects.
As well as being asked to note the scheme’s continued progress, the report’s recommendations include the agreement of £224,000 for works at the site. K2 Architects is the project designer.
Procurement for the construction works will be led by the local authority’s executive director of place Stephen Watson, in consultation with Cllr Paulette Lappin, cabinet member for regulatory, compliance and corporate services.
Located on Eastbank Street, the Enterprise Arcade will be Southport’s first digital incubator space for start-up businesses and entrepreneurs. Town Deal funding of £1.5m has been earmarked for the scheme as the council looks to provide a base for digital and creative start-ups and scale-ups.
Cllr Marion Atkinson, cabinet member for regeneration and skills, and member of the Southport Town Deal board, said: “By providing refurbished office workspaces for start-up, growing SMEs and co-working space for creative and digital tech businesses, the Enterprise Arcade will be a catalyst for creating a new digital eco-system in Southport town centre.
“Locating the new Enterprise Arcade in the Crown Buildings will enable us to breathe new life into currently unused town centre buildings and by managing the project in-house, we can ensure it delivers best value for Southport, its economy and its young entrepreneurs, in line with the Town Deal Funding objectives.”
The project is one of those accompanying the Marine Lake events centre which accounts for the lion’s share of Sefton’s Town Deal allocation.
Subject to approval, and to contractor procurement, refurbishment works will start late this year. The cabinet meeting takes place on 25 May.
A number of positive projects being announced lately for Southport but it`s not an easy place to get to by rail as there is always at least one change to make when travelling from major cities, except Liverpool or Manchester.
By Anonymous
Whats needed is to get on top of existing mess b4 spending on outlandish projects.
1. create a WELCOME to Southport from train station. Now its a dark dank smelly walkway with great gobs of slime been dripping from ceiling for over 20yrs. Get a glassroof or something?
2 have transpirt links from station to the beach.
3 get pier sorted!!
4. Get bikes and speeding disabled scooters off pavements.
5. Get above out of Hesketh Park plus dogs running wild off lead, fouling, trampling plants, scaring kids, birds and pensioners from the area. I dread going in, in fact I dont even tho I live in Park road and parks why I moved there!
By Susan
Perhaps money should be spent on cleaning the town up and making the roads fit to drive on. Look back and see how Southport looked when it was one of the best towns in the North West . There are few quality shops and the leisure spaces are not always fit to enjoy.
By Anonymous
I think Southport needs more than 1.3 million spending on it, to bring it back to as it was. Considering you want to spend 13 million on Crosby library and you spent 17 million on Bootle Strand.
By Anonymous
Another fantastic waste of money by Sefton Council! Why not put in some more cycle lanes on roads no one has ever cycled down?
By Anonymous