Engie outlines Winsford homes
Engie Regeneration has put in a planning application for 138 homes on Smokehall Lane in Winsford to Cheshire West & Chester Council.
The plans, submitted by Lichfields on behalf of the developer, are for a 10.4-acre brownfield site bounded by Deakins Road to the North and Smokehall Land Industrial Estate.
Around 40 properties are proposed to be affordable, 36 of which are houses which range from three-bed to four-bed, and eight are to be one-bed flats. This is a provision of 30%.
There are 60 properties lined up to be shared ownership, and the remainder are for the open market.
Almost 270 cycle spaces are proposed along with 268 car parking spaces.
There is 4,700 sq ft in the middle of the site designated as open space with a play area.
The scheme was designed by MPSL Planning & Design.
Do they need any experienced Sales Consultants at the moment?
What provision has been made for additional healthcare facilities?
By Helen Goldney