DJD to establish Liverpool regeneration strategy
Property consultant Drivers Jonas Deloitte has been appointed to develop a new Liverpool city centre strategy for its main retail area.
A joint private and public sector partnership between Liverpool City Council, Liverpool Vision, Merseytravel, City Central BID, Grosvenor and Land Securities has instructed the firm to establish a strategy for the second phase of the city's regeneration following the launch of Grosvenor's Liverpool One development.
Drivers Jonas Deloitte's study will form the basis of a framework for identifying further investment opportunities within the city centre, as well as monitoring the area's performance.
Drivers Jonas Deloitte said the report will help lay the foundations for further development of amenities and infrastructure and help support a targeted growth in Liverpool's visitor economy by a further 60% in 2020.
The report will focus on the areas to the outside of the Liverpool One development including Bold Street, Lime Street and Renshaw Street, Williamson Square, Whitechapel, Metquarter, Cavern Walks and St John's and Clayton Square precincts.
In particular, Drivers Jonas Deloitte said it is hoped that the study will help inform a strategy for developing better links between the main retail district and places such as the city's knowledge and commercial quarters, the Waterfront, Ropewalks and Baltic Triangle.
Drivers Jonas Deloitte, which acted as planning consultants on Liverpool One, has assembled a team to deliver the project which also includes designers BDP and retail consultants Lunson Mitchenhall.
Joanne Dennis-Jones, assistant director at Drivers Jonas Deloitte, said: "Liverpool One has been a resounding success for the city, but it knows not to rest on its laurels.
"There remain some significant opportunities for further investment and connectivity, which will help to further boost Liverpool's rankings as both a shopping and visitor destination."
Seems a continuation of earlier piecemeal (area by area) "planning" that could quite usefully focus on the visitor economy but as usual lacks contextual regard for relevant investment, education and training programmes within the overall journey to work area. Taxpayers and ratepayers would need to be reassured that in the absence of any such standard contextual considerations this study may have been partly triggered by professional fee generation?
By Des McConaghy