Summergrove Park, John Swift Homes, p planning docs

John Swift Homes' plans form the second phase of its masterplan for the area. Credit: via planning documents

Cumberland signs off more than 200 homes at huge meeting

Also approved was a SEND school extension, as well as enabling works to get the Workington Gateway Project underway.

Cumberland Council signed off four residential schemes totalling 208 homes, as well as the Mayfield School sixth form expansion and Workington road improvements at a huge planning meeting last Wednesday. These approvals were made in line with officer recommendations.

Here’s the lowdown on the green-lit applications.

Land South West of Summergrove Park, Whitehaven

Application number: 4/23/2104/0O1

John Swift Homes found success for its outline proposals to deliver up to 40 self-build plots, accessed off a new junction from Dalzell Street.

Alpha Design is behind the plans, which focus on 13 acres of greenfield land and form phase two of the developer’s plans for the area.

John Swift was granted outline planning permission in March for the first phase, made up of 30 self-built homes on the adjacent site.

There will be a limit of six house types on site, ranging from two-storey family housing to bungalows. The design palette will also be restricted in order to ensure a “cogent form of development”, according to an officer’s report.

The development will provide 15% affordable housing provision.

Tetra Tech, GEO Environmental Engineering, RG Parkins, Whistling Beetle Ecological Consultants, and Barnes Walker are all advising on the proposals.

Also approved in Whitehaven was John Swift Homes’ previously-refused plans to build 23 homes off Harras Road.

Land off Dalzell Street, Egremont

Application number: 4/23/2076/0O1

Nigel Kay Homes has gained outline permission to build up to 65 homes on the 10-acre plot of Dalzell Street.

Alpha Design has drawn up the plans for the development, which will be delivered on the site of the former Moor Row goods yard. The land has now been cleared and made up of mostly agricultural land

At least 10% of the properties will be offered at an affordable rent.

Along with Alpha, the project team includes Barnes Walker, Environmental Solutions, RG Parkins, GEO Environmental Engineering, Tetra Tech.

Land between Newcastle Road and Station Road

Application number: 23/0204

The Trustees of the Greenside Estate’s proposals to create 75 affordable and five custom-build homes were also signed off last week.

Plans focus on the 10-acre plot in between Newcastle Road and Station, which is currently general agricultural land.

An indicative layout plan shows a vast area of open space near to the centre of the site, as well as a mix of apartment blocks and houses.

PWA Planning is advising on the proposals.

St Joseph’s School, Cockermouth

Application number: 02/23/9008

Mayfield School in Whitehaven is taking over the former St Joseph’s School off Sullart Street in Cockermouth under the council’s own proposals to extend the SEND school’s sixth form provision.

St Joseph’s School closed in 2021 due to falling pupil numbers, with Cumbria Council approving a 2,500 sq ft extension to the building in February to form a sixth form campus for pupils from Mayfield School.

The newly-approved scheme will replace the earlier plans to provide a larger area of 4,200 sq ft featuring four additional classrooms.

Day Cummins is working with the council on

Former Henry Curwen pub, Workington

Application number: FUL/2023/0176

Another of the authority’s own applications was approved last week, to allow the enhancement of the junction at Ramsey Brow in order to enable its Workington Gateway Project.

WSP is working with Cumberland Council on the Ramsey Brow scheme, which will involve the demolition of the Henry Curwen pub to allow for the widening of the A596 junction.

Currently, this junction restricts the length of vehicles that can pass through, therefore works will improve freight access to key industrial sites, increasing investment at places such as the Port of Workington.

The application was passed despite strong objection from Workington Town Council, which stated that the demolition of the Henry Curwen pub would have no benefit to the town or community.

Cumberland Council argued that that the demolition is needed to progress the wider gateway project.

The wider Workington Gateway Project calls for pedestrian and cycling improvements to be made in Hall Park to provide a safe route into the town centre. Through this, the council hopes to increase the accessibility of, and attract more visitors to, Hall Park and Workington Hall.

Cumberland Council received £10m for the Workington Gateway Project from the government’s Levelling Up Fund in January, with plans submitted for the enabling works in August.

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