CSA lecture series continues
Joanna van Heyningen of architecture practice van Heyningen & Haward will be the next speaker in the series of lectures on designing in historic settings organised by Cheshire Society of Architects.
Newnham College Rare Books Library, Cambridge, built in 1983, houses the College's collection of rare books, manuscripts and artefacts in a simple barrel-vaulted volume which echoes Basil Champney's late 19th Century main library to which it was linked.
This was van Heyningen & Haward's first essay in introducing modern architecture into an historic context, and in the following 30 years such work has been at the heart of their practice.
The event is due to take place on Thursday 20 June starting at 6pm at Chester Town Hall.
Check out the "Buildings and Projects" monograph – includes essays from Trevor Garnham. Fab read
By Jayne Drayne