Consent due for first Knowledge Quarter facility

Liverpool City Council is set to approve the construction of the first building within the Knowledge Quarter’s Paddington Village, as part of the redevelopment of the former Archbishop Blanch school site.

The 13-storey building will be used as a live-learn facility by Liverpool International College, operated through a partnership between Kaplan international and the University of Liverpool.

The council’s planning committee is due to meet on Tuesday 21 February to consider the scheme, with a recommendation to approve.

The development on Grove Street will include 45,000 sq ft of teaching and learning space, and 260 bedrooms. The architect is CPMG.

LIC recruits and prepares more than 800 international students for entry into the university’s degree programmes each year with courses in academic skills, key subject knowledge and English language.

The new building will house a café, knowledge hub, study booths, and social area with game and study zones with expanded opening hours to suit students’ varied schedules.

An opening date is planned for 2019.

Paddington Village is part of a £1bn pipeline of projects planned within the Knowledge Quarter, centred around the former Archbishop Blanch school site. The final version of the strategic regeneration framework for the site will go before Liverpool City Council’s cabinet on Friday. Following two months of consultation prior to Christmas, some details within the masterplan have been altered. A 25-storey tower was initially proposed as a gateway to the site, which is now set to be replaced by two smaller buildings of 15 storeys.

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Good to see this moving along, bad to see Historic Englands interference, hindering and totally changing the whole concept, are they so quick to head down to other cities to do this, they seem to relish coming to Liverpool to put us in our place?

By Man on bicycle

The money HE spend on travel expenses for their staff to come here would pay their rent on an actual officer in Liverpool City Centre.

By L24

I’m proud that HE sees something worth preserving in Liverpool city centre

By Rooney

The old pub is no problem, the reduction in size of all the buildings is, less job opportunities and economic growth, it’s about time these meddling faceless wonders stayed down the east lanc rd.

By Man on bicycle

Everyone needs an old pub! Wish everyone would stop knocking them down. When the intellectuals movein/habitate these types of places an old pub is exactly what they want to have their after works drinks in. Which pub are we talking about in the comments?

By Anon

The clue should be in the title: Historic England surely need to intervene in Liverpool with a focus firmly on what needs to be protected from a heritage perspective. In this case, a major investment in the KQ was affected largely based on protection of a view from Birkenhead (2 miles distant). But where then was HE with regards to the Futurist Cinema/Lime St, Cork Merchants/Islington, today’s planning decision on Calderstones Park, Bevington Bush, Parr Street Mill etc etc etc… buildings demolished, greenspace lost – and all so brutally evident at street level!

By LEighteen

HE should not interfere with the height new builds – facades/materials/appearance in conservation areas okay that makes sense, but not this site… These bureaucratic institutions are largely a hindrance to progress in my opinion.

By jk

Historic England interfering again – yawn


Which pub is being lost??

By Rooney

The Mount Vernon PH, is being saved apparently and not demolished. I believe it was the first stop off for changing the horses of the old stage coaches heading out of Liverpool in the “Good Old days before HE interfered in our business” The horses were exhausted after hauling the stage coach up the hill from the town centre.

By Man on bicycle

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