Centurion appoints Landmarq for Stockport site
Centurion Properties has appointed Michael Jones from Landmarq Asset Management to asset manage the 200,000 sq ft Lawnhurst Trading Estate on Birdhall Lane, Stockport.
Jones, managing director of Landmarq Asset Management, said: "Centurion and Landmarq Asset Management have been looking for active asset management opportunities since the start of the year and this is a great opportunity to expand Centurion's established South East presence and proven track record with our more local northern expertise for the benefit of our combined investor client base – in this case SWIP. We anticipate that more active asset management opportunities will become available throughout the remainder of the year and we are well placed to add value for our institutional and equity backed clients with our wider UK presence."
Lawnhurst Trading Estate is the first venture to be asset managed by the Manchester Centurion team with significant capital expenditure available for the improvement of the estate combined with a renewed marketing initiative aimed at maximising occupancy and rental levels with units available from 5,000 to 80,000 sq ft.
King Sturge and Lambert Smith Hampton's Manchester offices were appointed as joint agents to implement the marketing.