All-clear for 45 Macclesfield flats
Cheshire East councillors waved through developer IDCB Properties’ £8m application for an apartment block on the site of the old King’s Head Public House off Chestergate.
While councillors largely voted to approve the project last week, their green light is based on a series of conditions being met, including further details on materials and the inclusion of public realm works. These were all conditions recommended by Cheshire East Council’s planning officers. However, at the committee meeting, the councillors tacked on one more condition – that the scheme include and utilise renewable energy sources.
IDCB’s apartment block will sit between Chestergate, Churchill Way, King Edward Street, and Little Street in Macclesfield. It’s a prominent brownfield site in the area and is currently home to a series of dilapidated buildings that will be demolished.
The apartment block will be four storeys at its tallest, and three storeys at its lowest. Of the 45 flats to be built, 21 will have one bedroom and 24 will have two. The project is set to include two affordable rent residences.
The groundfloor of the apartment block will contain two retail units, comprising 1,800 sq ft and 1,900 sq ft.
IDCB will provide 25 car parking spaces and 70 spaces for cycles, according to designs by Four Architects. Vehicular access to the site will be from King Edward Street.
A viability report by Hallams Property Consultants put the general cost of the project at around £8m, including construction costs, legals, and other fees.
The Planning Studio is the planning consultant for the scheme.
The project team also includes archaeology consultant University of Manchester, noise expert Arista Design, heritage consultant Townscape, and Rachel Hacking Ecology.
You can learn more about the project by searching 21/3146M on Cheshire East’s planning portal.
Homes for locals I hope.
By James Barber
70 parking spaces for cycles in 45 dwellings sounds rather odd ?
By Nita Bailey
£8m including legals, and “other fees”??
Seems optimistic!
By Stripester
We visited Bucharest some years ago and I think the proposed flats on Chestergate have been designed by the same ‘imaginative’ architects as those design dead elections. No visual attractiveness, no relationship to Macc. history in fact just another shoe box monstrosity.
Oh woe is Macc in the hands of such planners and constructors!
By Bob Taylor
Whilst I am in favour of making this current eyesore of a site more appealing, the construction of 45 flats with parking for only 25 cars appears a little shortsighted.there will be at least 45 cars requiring to be parked somewhere,some of the flats will probably have 2 cars to park.I cannot see the need for 70 cycle places( 1.5 cycles per flat?)
Parking is bad enough in Macclesfield,The nearest car parks being Walley Hayes and Churchill way, both of which are pay carparks,the latter being also designated for new restaurants and a 7 screen cinema
Therefore reducing the amount of car parking.
By James Hall