Simpson ‘absolutely thrilled’ to land top GMCA job
Caroline Simpson is proud of the work she’s done as chief executive at Stockport Council – and ready for the next challenge as the chief executive for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.
Simpson has been named the preferred candidate to take over the reins from Eamonn Boylan, who defined the position over the past seven years. Boylan is retiring after the local elections in May, which will mark the conclusion of a 42-year career in the public service.
Simpson is set to start as GMCA’s chief executive this summer.
Place North West briefly spoke with Simpson the day after the announcement was made. She admitted she was still in a bit of a haze about it all – but decidedly excited.
“I am so absolutely thrilled – and then really humbled, genuinely,” she told Place. “It’s a massive role, a massive opportunity, and a massive responsibility.”
For Simpson, Greater Manchester’s potential is immense.
“We have all the ingredients – the partners, the leadership, the devolution deal – this is the opportunity to take it to the next level,” she said.
“To be part of that, at a senior level, is just an immense opportunity.”
That does not mean it will be easy leaving Stockport behind.
“I’ve been here for eight years,” she said. “I’m loving what we’re doing here.”
Simpson joined Stockport Council in 2016 as director of regeneration, rising in the ranks to become chief executive in 2022.
During her time at the council, Stockport’s town centre has transformed. The £45m Redrock leisure centre completed, the office-focussed £145m Stockport Exchange is inches from the finish line, and the ambitious £250m mixed-use Stockport 8 scheme is gearing up to start. She has also overseen the delivery of Stockport’s newest public open space – Viaduct Park – which will open on 18 March.
Reflecting on her time at Stockport, Simpson said: “I think the really amazing thing that defines Stockport at the moment is its strength in partnership, collaboration, and pulling together.
“Whether it is its residents, its business community, our immense volunteer and community sector, or our statutory partners – there’s a real sense of a common vision of pull together and really trying to get things done for the residents of Stockport.”
With her start-date set for summer, Simpson is spending the next few months wholly concentrated on Stockport, including representing the borough at MIPIM when the international property and development conference begins on 12 March.
Bodes well for East Dids. – Stockport metrolink..
Best of luck Caroline!
By Anonymous