Liverpool hotel on the block for £2.25m
Duke Street Boutique Hotel is being sold out of administration to recoup cash for creditors owed a combined £6m.
Christie & Co has been appointed as sales agent for the 30-key asset, located on Liverpool’s Duke Street.
The hotel is currently closed and is being offered up for £2.25m with vacant possession after the landlord collapsed into administration last year.
Lender Kufflink, which initiated administration proceedings after Duke Street Boutique Hotel Ltd fell behind on its loan repayments, is owed £2.5m, according to administrator CG&Co.
A further £3.5m is owed to unsecured creditors, a report filed on Companies House states.
Tom O’Malley, associate director at Christie & Co, said the asset is an attractive prospect.
“Given its location within Liverpool city centre, and the appetite for limited-service hotels, we expect strong demand for this hotel.”
It`s a nice little hotel in a popular area, think the developers were the same people who used to own the Baltic Hotel in Jamaica Street, kind of noticed it was a bit quiet for a while so now we know why.
By Anonymous