Liverpool waterfront, p LCC

The city council is trying to put past demons to bed. Credit: via Liverpool City Council

Liverpool councillors to adopt planning transparency protocol

The city council has issued guidance to all elected members on how to conduct themselves when dealing with developers to maintain decision-making integrity and avoid becoming embroiled in allegations of corruption.

The purpose of the protocol is to “assist councillors, in understanding the behaviour that is expected when dealing with decision-making processes of the council relating to planning”, the guidance states.

It is also intended to “protect the reputation of local government…providing assurance of the impartiality and transparency of decision-making processes which govern planning, thus creating and maintaining public confidence in those processes”.

The protocol has been established as part of Liverpool’s efforts to bolster its governance and put past demons to bed.

A report into the running of the city council by Max Caller in 2021 raised concerns about how certain decisions were made.

In an interview with Place North West in the aftermath of the report, Caller said some developers decided not to work in Liverpool because they found they “couldn’t get a fair hearing and that decisions appeared to be sewn up.”

Operation Aloft, a Merseyside Police investigation into alleged corruption relating to property deals has also cast a shadow over the council.

Former mayor Joe Anderson and head of regeneration Nick Kavanagh were both arrested as part of that investigation. Neither have been charged and both deny wrongdoing.

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It did appear that some people were being refused or put off, while others may have got preferential treatment.
However there were other issues regarding height restrictions even if buildings were 5 or 6 floors in height , also certain councillors putting spurious reasons for delaying schemes progressing like Pall Mall having a colony of rabbits that needed protecting, or calling bits of wasteland parks just because they had grass or wild shrubs growing.

By Anonymous

Too little too late

By Anonymous

Lets hope the councillors representing the city on the planning committee adopt a similar professional attitude

By anon

“protect the reputation of local government…” LCC does not have a reputation worth protecting instead they should be building a reputation, which would start with approving some buildings

By Anonymous


By Weis

This should include Liverpool Airport development. The council should work with Merseytravel to improve the connectivity to the airport and the councillors should be urging the airport to pursue it’s development faster. It needs to try and catch up with Manchester in cargo at least and runway length should be extended.

By Anonymous

Think it works the other way too, that Liverpool Planners offer developers a ‘dream’ opportunity, but at what cost to the local residents!

By Barney

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