Heald Green primed for resi and replacement hospice
A new-build hospice at the St Ann’s site and a first phase of 200 homes at Wilmslow Road are set to progress in the Stockport suburb.
Stockport Council’s planning and highways committee meets on Thursday to examine the plans, both of which are recommended for approval.
Avison Young is advising on the plans at St Ann’s Hospice, on the road of the same name in Heald Green. With PRP as architect, this is a hybrid application that covers full consent for the removal of all existing buildings and their replacement with a new hospice facility, with outline consent sought for 40 homes on site.
The hospice is proposed as two buildings: a 27-bed in-patient unit along with a secondary building offering day therapy and outpatient services, along with facilities such as bereavement and family support and office space. The flat-roofed buildings would comprise a combined 60,000 sq ft.
What is proposed is for the new hospice to be built on land to the south of the existing hospice, currently designated as open space: once operational, the housing, which is required to fund the project, will be built on the old hospice site. The adult care hospice was opened in 1971, in space converted from a former children’s home.
Indicative plans for the housing show one- and two-bedroom apartments and semi-detached housing, although the tenure mix will be confirmed at reserved matters stage.
Bloor Homes North West is at that stage now with the first phase of its Wilmslow Road project. Advised by NJL Consulting, the housebuilder proposes 202 dwellings and open space, having secured outline consent for a £45m scheme of up to 325 homes at appeal in 2020.

Bloors proposals sit close to Bruntwood Hall Brook
This first phase is to be developed on land to the east of Wilmslow Road, with Bruntwood Hall Brook running north to south towards its eastern boundary. The project includes the spine road extension that will enable phase two. Plans include 26 two-bedroom houses, 79 three-bedroom houses and 97 four-bedroom houses. A community orchard is planned within the open space.
Fifty seven of the houses would be affordable: 29 rented and 28 on shared ownership. The land is undeveloped open pasture, with the Seashell Trust site to the south. From neighbour feedback, there have been 49 letters in support and 19 opposed.
Within a 2 mile radius of these proposals this site and surrounding land is subject to thousands of new housing being built!!
Try moving around this are now its impossible.
Green belt when its gone its gone!!
More houses less greenery at a time when the environment is at risk from development and inevitable pollution.
By Anonymous