Developer loses appeal against Lancaster 70-home refusal
The Planning Inspectorate has rejected WVC’s bid to build on a greenfield site off Ashton Road.
Last year, Lancaster City Council’s planning committee refused plans for a development which would have offered 30% affordable housing across an eight-acre site.
A new T-junction off Ashton Road featured in the proposals for the 70 homes but concern about the potential impact of the proposed development on the landscape saw councillors vote against it.
This decision has now been upheld by the inspector, Kevin Savage, who despite noting a lack of housing supply in the area, agreed the development would be contrary to the National Policy Framework.
Writing in his report when issuing the decision, he said: “Overall, I find that the identified harm to landscape character is a decisive consideration that, even in the context of the council’s poor housing supply position, represents an adverse effect of such weight that it would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the identified benefits when assessed against the policies in the framework, taken as a whole.”
Designed by architect RPS, the Ashton Road scheme would have featured almost three acres of green open space, including a play area and picnic benches.
PGLA Landscape, Curtins, Jon Oliver Aboriculture, M&P Gadsden, and EnviroTech were also on the project team.
To view the plans, search for application number 22/00885/OUT on Lancaster City Council’s planning portal.
Great news
By Ash Morgan
They did right to reject the planing on Ashton road because of traffic problems already
By Anonymous
Good glad this decision was made to much of Lancasters rural areas are being ravaged by builders.
By Anonymous
It’s pure NIMBYism from property owners who want the value of their own houses to keep increasing.
By David
Another great decision made.
By Bee1961
Very true David although the opposite is usually true. We have a very large development built near to us which has resulted in further investment in the local area and our house price has gone up significantly as a result.
By Pro-growth