Assura names new non-exec
Warrington-based GP surgeries' landlord Assura Group, has appointed David Richardson as a non-executive director and chairman of the audit committee.
Richardson, a qualified chartered accountant, is currently a non-executive and the senior independent director of outsourcing services giant Serco Group, chairman of Luxembourg investment company Bilfinger Berger Global Infrastructure Sicav SA and a board member of Worldhotels AG.
Previously he spent 22 years at Whitbread where he was the strategic planning director for eight years, and finance director for four years.
Assura said Richardson will join all the board committees, and succeed Peter Pichler as senior independent director and chairman of the audit committee at the end of this month.
Simon Laffin, non-executive chairman of Assura, said: "David is a strong addition to the Assura board and we are delighted to appoint someone of his calibre. He brings a wealth of both finance and property experience, which will be very valuable following the recent completion of Assura's transformation to a pure play primary healthcare property company."
Richardson said: "I am delighted to join the Board and look forward to working with Simon and the company as it develops its position in this attractive sector."
Richardson has previously been a director of Forth Ports, the Restaurant Group, Sports Direct, Tomkins and Dairy Crest.