4NW to pool anti-recession council initiatives
4NW, the successor group to the North West Regional Assembly, is to collate initiatives that local authorities are undertaking to redress the impact of the credit crunch.
The organisation is working with the North West Improvement & Efficiency Partnership, set up earlier this year with £22m over three years from the Department for Communities and Local Government, to draw up a plan for sharing the information.
4NW said a briefing paper is being prepared for Lord Peter Smith, local authority representative on the Government's influential new Joint Economic Commission for the region, which meets next on 8 December.
Shortly a letter will go out to local authorities from NWIEP requesting information from each local authority. A meeting is planned at 4NW on Monday 1 December, to share, discuss and prioritise positive initiatives.
- To contribute information and ideas towards an initial background discussion paper contact Steve.barwick@4nw.org.uk and G.Bishop@wigan.gov.uk .