Team named on Hindley masterplan
Wigan Council and Peel Investments has appointed a team led by Hyder Consulting to put together a 2,000-home masterplan and an outline planning application for a 250-acre site south of Hindley in Wigan.
Hyder will work alongside GVA Manchester's planning, development and regeneration team and landscape architect Randall Thorp to design proposals for a residential scheme, 32-acres of employment uses, an east-west link road, public open space and infrastructure.
The land was identified as a broad location for development within the adopted Wigan core strategy. The South of Hindley project forms part of Peel's Ocean Gateway strategic corridor spanning across Manchester, Liverpool, Cheshire and Warrington.
Hyder will provide multi-disciplinary services for site investigation, site infrastructure, ecology and cultural heritage, drainage and flood risk and landscape architecture, landscape and visual impact assessment and green infrastructure.
Randall Thorp will advise on the residential aspect, while GVA will provide residential and commercial market intelligence; retail impact and need assessment; demographic analysis; viability and affordability; socio-economic impact assessment and development management and town planning.
Ah, Hindley…now there’s a place. Hard people, but surprisingly not bitter. Wouldn’t mess with ’em, but if you’re straight with ’em they’re normally straight wi’ you. An upbeat disposition; heard that’s the nature of folk who’s town was Royalist in the English Civil War.
By Das But