Sign-off for 170 homes in South Lakeland
The council has granted outline planning approval for two residential developments in Kendal and Levens.
The Kendal site is 11.5-acres and is designated for 119 houses, while the Levens site is 5.5-acres and will see 50 homes built. The plots are owned by Levens Estate, which progressed the planning applications. GVA advised on the schemes, and will now act as the agent.
James Sheppard, planning associate in GVA's Manchester office said: "The sites benefit from a location that is within easy reach of the key service centre of Kendal, thereby endorsing these sites as sustainable settlement extensions.
"A period of meaningful and fruitful consultation with local residents, the parish council and local stakeholders, was a crucial step in developing these schemes, helping to achieve quality proposals in sensitive gateway locations."