Atlantic Park , Royal London, p.planning docs

The park was once home to Rolls-Royce. Credit: via planning documents

Sefton tips 700,000 sq ft industrial for consent 

Royal London’s planned redevelopment of the 50-acre Atlantic Park off Dunnings Bridge Road in Aintree is due to be approved next week. 

If approved in line with the recommendation from Sefton Council’s planning team, the developer could press ahead with the creation of the 700,000 sq ft complex. 

The council claims the proposal will bring “economic benefits through the creation of jobs” and concedes that, while the development would have an impact on the highway network, “it is considered that the proposal would not cause detrimental harm to highway safety”. 

Having already won approval for 100,000 sq ft of logistics space on a neighbouring plot at the former Rolls-Royce site, the larger second phase proposes units ranging from 18,000 sq ft to 210,000 sq ft.  

It is estimated that the redeveloped Atlantic Park could create accommodation for more than 1,000 jobs.  

Royal London acquired Atlantic Park in 2003 and began drawing up plans for its redevelopment.  

However, despite approval of proposals for 700,000 sq ft in 2006, the scheme was hindered by the global recession. 

Royal London reignited its plans last year, first applying to demolish Rolls-Royce former factory building – the 220,000 sq ft “Big Foot” unit – as well as two office buildings Atlantic House and Caspian House.  

Alaska House will be retained.     

The Harris Partnership is leading on design and Turley is advising Royal London on planning.  

To learn more about the scheme, search for reference number DC/2023/00722 on Sefton Council’s planning portal. 

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The planning te admits that it will have an impact on local road systems but suggests that it will not reduce road safety? Not logical. The proposed Rimrose Valley will not alleviate the traffic problems in the area but merely increase the traffic chaos at the M57/8 junctions. The planning committee has shown little understanding of traffic flows and until they seriously alter the junctions to allow free flowing traffic they will just end up with a mass of jammed traffic

By Anonymous

Desperately needed road improvements not bring delivered , benefits of the free port not being maximised cis of poor transport links to motorways. Also pollution still growing on dunesbridge road

By George

The logical answer here is to increase/upgrade the road provision. Sefton cannot be refusing developments like this as we need jobs and to grow the local economy. We are a major port in the UK, and it is natural that warehousing and logistic related facilities will want to come here, we have to allow this application for the sake of the port and the reputation of the city region.

By Anonymous

The road provisions aren’t under the purview of Sefton, but Highways England.

By Sam

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