Home Office seeks 200,000 sq ft Liverpool base
The Home Office has stepped up its search for an office of up to 200,000 sq ft in Liverpool to consolidate its UK Border Agency operations.
DTZ has been retained to conduct the search, with Bruntwood's 340,000 sq ft The Plaza – where the Home Office already has in excess of 60,000 sq ft – and Downing's 390,000 sq ft The Capital tipped as early favourites. Bruntwood could have to reorganise leases with other tenants and carry out its planned extension to the Old Hall Street building to find room for the Government requirement.
The department occupies space in Graeme House, Reliance House and Martins Building currently.
The idea of consolidating the Home Office's Liverpool operations has been mooted for several years but has not been taken forward until now.
The Home Office has lease breaks on its existing accommodation falling within the next year.