Kellen Homes CGI for Mellands playing fields, Kellen Homes, p Counter Context

Kellen Homes will construct 267 homes on the playing fields site, including 60 affordable dwellings. Credit: via Counter Context

Gorton playing fields lined up for 300+ homes

Greater Manchester Youth Federation, Kellen Homes, and Centrepoint have published their plans to create new football pitches, a community hub, and a mixture of apartments and houses on the site of the former Mellands Playing Fields between Mount Road and Wembley Road.

Of the 304 total homes proposed, 36 would be independent living apartments to be managed by homeless charity Centrepoint.

The remaining 267 will be constructed by Kellen Homes, which will work with Southway Housing Trust to ensure that 60 of these homes are available for either shared ownership or social rent tenures.

Kellen Homes land director Mark Calvert said that these houses were “much-needed” in Gorton, and elaborated on their sustainability qualifications, adding that environmental sustainability was “at the forefront” of the developer’s priorities.

“The homes will boast enhanced insulation, promoting energy efficiency and cost reduction,” Calvert said. “Furthermore, our dedication extends to green initiatives such as tree planting and landscape enhancements, aimed at supporting local wildlife and biodiversity. We are also dedicated to improving walking and cycling routes, encouraging sustainable travel for a greener, healthier community.”

Greater Manchester Youth Federation will operate the proposed youth, sports, and community hub building. This facility will provide meeting spaces for community groups as well as an area for GMYF’s programme of activities. GMYF would also make use of the two football pitches included in the planning application, as would West Gorton Junior FC.

Asteer Planning, architect Studio KMA, and landscape architect Gillespies have been working with the three groups on the plans for the Gorton project. If planning permission from Manchester City Council can be secured, construction could begin in late 2024.

Karen Wilson, chief executive of GMYF, described the submission of the planning application as “a key milestone in our mission to create a vibrant and inclusive space for the you and community in Gorton and surrounding areas”.

She added later: “Our proposals received a very warm welcome from the local community during our consultation earlier this year and we were astounded at the positive comments we received to create a new youth, sports and community hub in the area.

“By working in partnership with Centrepoint, Kellen Homes, and now Southway Housing Trust, we can put our youth, sports and community provision on a financially sustainable footing and ensure we have a positive, active presence in Gorton for generations to come.”

As of publication time, the planning application had yet to appear on the Manchester City Council planning portal.

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Actual homes for people


New Homes, affordable homes, homes for the homeless, community hub, youth services, leisure & sports provision ….sounds great. Good to see local charity GMYF making good use of the old under utilised playing fields if this is approved.

By Alf Full

Looks grand. Housing for kids coming out of care, reliable sport facilities, more house supply for the market.

Hard to object.

By Anonymous

If you building hundreds of houses on playing fields then where is the new sports pitches it’s in reality a massive net loss of sports fields and will lead to massive loss of space children can play sport.We already have massive increase in obesity in this country and reduce in sports fields will only increase it.

By Brian Jones

Nice to have playing fields that are capable of being used, a youth centre to provide great modern facilities and activities all being supported by a long standing charity. Better than a load of derelict sports pitches that need too much work to bring them into any kind of use

By Mumwithkids

It’s very exciting that there will be such an opportunity for the community that mellends playing field gets something new that will help people who live in gorton it’s what the area needs something for the young people

By Mary Poppins

GMYF have considerable;e experience in operating Youth services, and this development will provide the local area with an exceptional facility for young people. The currently unused pitches will now provide much needed and varied accommodation for the district, and will revitalize the remaining sports facilities.

By Cuckoo

We don’t need it do something else there

By ???

Sorry no more houses around here we are overrun with cars and litter go and build somewhere else

By James Thompson

Are these home going to available on shred ownerships

By Anonymous

Traffic Chaos.

By Anonymous

Will there be any social housing bungalows being built on there for over 60s

By Lynda Behan

GMYF tried to build on another one of their playing fields a while ago. Godfrey Ermen Playinng Fields but planning permission was rejected and the field now has Village Green status. It seems to me they are just trying to sell off some if their fields to make a profit. Putting two playing fields on the land and a community centre does not make up for the loss of such a green space. Plans for 304 houses show how large the area really is.

By Anonymous

Hi I use to be homeless I have somewhere now but this is a fantastic idea especially for all the homeless not just under 25 there’s alot of people above thus age that need help to thankyiu

By Suzanne tyrer

We are at saturation point with housing in the local area. The green space is a valuable open area that people appreciate for many reasons. Additionally, the impact on local resources, i. e. Medical centres, dentists and other health care providers will increase their burden.

By Local resident

How do you decide who gets a social living house. Do ppl have a chance to put the self’s forward

By Mary Buckley

Building 300+ homes in an already built up area where the traffic is already bad. No green spaces will be left soon in Gorton. Greedy developers can’t wait to build on every patch of grass until its all concrete! The GMYF have a habit of selling or trying to sell off their playing fields to developers 🙁

By Anonymous

knew it wouldn’t take long !!! fumin !

By nic farrell

What about the air pollution these extra houses are going to cause, let alone the Road access with at least another 300 + cars. Manchester City Council need to look at the access before allowing this.

By Anonymous

Don’t believe it !!

By Anonymous

I am interested. Very good idea for homeless families.

By Rubina hussain

This is joke all house been built, school hours are joke with traffic plus buses , We’re are the kids going to play ? The one that will not be older enough to use the hub, it’s bad enough that people just stop to pick people up or drop off plus parking on pavement, driving on pavement, we have all these new house built but no little playground, new builds are going up on Levenshulme Road traffic there it a joke plus all dirt I see poor people in morning haven’t to walk on road as mud is everywhere,
Will all house have parking driveway as this is another thing they have driveways and don’t used them, when we went to meeting we got told that if No house got built then no football field or no hub, we’re the freedom for kids to be able to play and enjoy plus for people to meet go for walk or take dogs out

By Helen xFx

A welcome addition to the community.

By J

The positives of this scheme changes lives for many people for the better – appreciate it still needs to be managed for the sake of the local community.

By Anonymous

Think this scheme is superb. A good balance for the community and wider social groups. Well done!

By Amanda Dagg

This is a very welcome project that will put advantage and growth at the core of what young people and their families need in this area of Greater Manchester. This has my whole hearted support.

By Antony

This is just what is needed for the area. At last a project which when completed will deliver so much in the way of affordable housing and youth stimulation. Just wish this was the norm in a world of maximising profits. Applause to those who have worked on delivering such a valuable development. Well done

By Steven Mather

That’s lovely to hear , we are so happy with the construction and look forward for more details about the construction so we can a house there

By Mehwish

Fantastic opportunity to provide more homes to the area both sale and affordable. Reaching different types of people. Great to see an unused area coming back into life.

By Anonymous

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