Dockers sell clubhouse to Tesco
Tesco will consult residents this week on plans for a new store at the Liverpool Dockers Club site on Townsend Lane in Anfield.
At a meeting at the end of October, the Dockers voted to sell the club to Tesco rather than have the club go out of business.
The public exhibition on Tesco's proposals for the site will be held at the Dockers Club on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 November from 1pm to 6pm.
Tesco proposes to demolish the clubhouse and build a mid-sized supermarket employing 250 people, up to 40% of which will be guaranteed for local long-term unemployed residents. There will be a petrol filling station, a free car park, landscaped grounds. Sports pitches on the site will be retained.
Jim Davies, chairman of the Dockers Club, said: "The Dockers Club has been making heavy financial losses for the last five years, and we simply cannot continue to keep it open. We either sell or the site becomes derelict. Selling the Dockers Club to Tesco is the best possible result for our members and the area, and this was reflected in our members' support for this positive move."
Matthew Magee, Tesco's corporate affairs manager, said: "We believe we have a great scheme for the area, bringing new supermarket shopping to Townsend Lane and creating hundreds of jobs for local people.
"As a Regeneration Partnership store up to 40% of these jobs will be guaranteed for local people who have been out of work for six months or more – a major boost to the area in these difficult economic times."
Magee added that Tesco's Regeneration Partnership stores have helped over 4,000 long-term unemployed people back into work across the UK in the past 10 years. The new Regeneration Partnership store on Park Road in Toxteth saw 97 local unemployed people graduate through the scheme. All 97 completed a six-week training course in confidence building, team work, and leadership skills, guaranteeing them a job in the new store that opened in May.
There is a massive Tesco in old swan a few miles away!Plus a new Aldi opposite it. A big Asda on Queen’s drive and another Asda down the road at Breck Road – yes the area really needs this? Soon Breck Road and ALL the little shops will be gone – as will Utting Avenue shops but hey its progress And what about the old Dockers will a new smaller club be built there is no mention of this? At least they can hang around in the Tesco Cafe!
By Do we need another Tesco
Would Tesco be able to further comment on how many of the new staff employed at Toxteth are still employed after going through the training programme? There have been comments that not nearly as many as started initially?
By Secret Squirrel
‘Do we need another Tesco’ there is no Aldi anywhere near the site. Also, most of the shops in the immediate area died the death long ago already. As you say there are two ASDAs nearby, so a Tesco will provide some much needed competition. Plus 250 new jobs!
By Breck Road Lover
I live next to the dockers club and would love the Tesco to be built. The sooner the better. The dockers is an eye sore now, looks scruffy and run down. Building supermarkets help regenerate areas, well known fact!
By lives next door to site