Cornwall launches building surveying firm with decarbonisation focus
Viridium is the newest venture for Gemma Cornwall, former head of sustainability at AG Built Environment Consultancy.
Cornwall’s vision for Viridium is a building consultancy that aids asset managers and landlords on their net zero and retrofit projects by providing advice regarding biodiversity net gain, energy performance, water use, and materials.
“My goal with Viridium is to offer a planet-conscious building surveying service to clients who are serious about having a positive impact on society,” Cornwall said.
“While I’m keen to work with developers to make new buildings as planet-friendly as possible, I primarily want to help them take a retrofit-first approach,” she continued.
“When you see the embodied carbon impact of new development, you realise how important it is first and foremost to ensure the buildings we already have are performing the best they possibly can from an energy and emissions perspective.”
Cornwall has worked on projects for Boohoo, Lancaster City Council, and Futures Housing Group in the past.
Amen to maximising use of existing buildings and their embodied carbon.
By Fred