City bike scheme rolls into Speke
Liverpool City Council is looking for a transport consultant to implement a £310,000 contract to encourage bike use in Speke Garston to the South of the city.
The proposed scheme will last for an initial two years and be modelled on a scheme currently operating in North Liverpool.
The so-called transport hub will be based in the community and will aim to link people to economic opportunity and remove transport barriers.
The city council said: "The promotion of smarter choices will support this work through improving accessibility, health and social inclusion by reducing congestion and pollution. The project will deliver a programme of bike rides and led walks, train volunteers and develop initiatives to increase bike ownership. It will also seek to remove transport barriers such as low travel horizons, limited confidence and or experience, difficulty in interpreting public transport information and distribution of travel passes with the aim of maximising the ability of local residents to use transport to access essential opportunities and services."
Bidders for the contract must adhere to current policy frameworks and objectives and should build on work undertaken in the Cycle Speke Project 2009-2011.
This will be up to a two-year contract for one provider of the South Liverpool Transport Hub and associated activities.
- Contact Gary Chan in finance and resources at the city council, Gary Chan