Arley’s revised Chorley scheme approved
HOW Planning has secured planning approval from Chorley Council on behalf of Arley Homes North West for the residential element of Duxbury Park, a mixed-use development in Chorley, Lancashire.
The Manchester-based planning consultancy previously secured outline approval on behalf of United Utilities Property Solutions in December 2008 to transform the former UU Training and Conference Centre into a high quality, mixed use redevelopment scheme. The sale to Arley Homes represented one of the largest residential land deals in the North West in recent years.
Approval was originally granted for 200 residential dwellings at the Duxbury Park development, alongside 10,800 sq m of business space.
The recent detailed planning approval for Arley sees a reduction in the number of homes to 135 ranging from two to five bedrooms in a combination of detached, semi-detached and terraced designs.
Chorley Borough Council approved the reserved matters application which provides detailed proposals for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping. The Myles Standish Way will still form the new entrance to the development whilst the existing access, via Little Carr Lane, will be closed for vehicles and retained for pedestrians and cyclists only.
Jon Suckley, associate at HOW Planning, said: "A decision was taken to revise the type of housing proposed in response to the downturn in the market since the initial application was approved. This has resulted in the total number of dwellings being reduced and the new scheme removes the apartments that were initially planned and focuses more on a wide ranging mix of family housing to reflect current market requirements."
Chris Kershaw from Arley Homes added: "This is a great decision and we are looking forward to making a start on the new homes at Duxbury Park. The new development will completely transform the existing site and further enhance the local community."