Wrexham plods on with £9m affordable housing plans
A feasibility study will be undertaken to explore the potential for the redevelopment of the land at Rhosddu Road following a vote of approval by the council’s executive on Tuesday.
An adult day centre and sheltered housing scheme currently occupy parts of the site. The former Centre 67 was demolished there last year.
According to a council report, a total of £9m has been allocated to support the introduction of new social housing to Rhosddu Road over the next three years.
Funding will be provided by the Housing Revenue Account budget, with a split of £1m in 2023/24, £4m in 2024/25 and £4m in 2025/26.
The local authority is seeking to use the whole plot for council-owned housing. However, discussions at the meeting made it clear that it is still possible to split the land for mixed uses dependent on the study’s findings.
Wrexham Council hope that the study will provide members with a clear view of the potential uses of the site, as well as ensuring its suitability for future development.
Once the feasibility study has completed, the council’s executive board will discuss and determine next steps for the site.