Woodford housing plans submitted
Harrow Estates, Redrow Homes and Avro Heritage have submitted an outline planning application to Stockport Council to build 950 homes on the site of Woodford Aerodrome.
Designed by Planit-IE, the development, if approved, will include a new primary school, employment premises, pub, shops and community facilities. The application also details the first phase of the development, which includes 145 new homes and a village green.
The submission follows consultation with the local community which included workshops and public exhibitions. These allowed residents to learn more about the proposed masterplan for the aerodrome and have their say on the future of the now largely vacant site. Over 500 people attended the events and more than 200 feedback forms were received.
Following suggestions regarding traffic and access, proposed features for the development include a new bus service from the site to Stockport; improvements to pedestrian and cycle links to nearby train stations; and the offer of a personalised travel plan for all new and existing Woodford residents.
The layout of the proposal has also been revised, with a significant proportion of public open space now located throughout the centre of the development, safeguarding treasured views of the surrounding countryside and creating a sense of openness.
Jennie Daly, managing director of Harrow Estates, said: "We had an excellent response to the consultation and we are pleased to submit an application that has been shaped by the feedback received.
"The workshops and exhibitions gave us a great understanding of what matters most to the local community and we have been able to respond to many of the questions that residents wanted answered.
"By listening to the views of the local community and being conscious of the heritage of the site, we have been able to submit a proposal that we hope will be an asset for Woodford, and Stockport, for many years to come."
The plans will be considered by Stockport Council's Planning and Highways Regulation Committee, with a decision anticipated to be made early next year.
If approved, existing buildings would first be demolished, with construction of the first phase expected to start by 2015. It is estimated the development of the site will take place over nine years.
AVRO Heritage bought the site from BAE Systems in December 2011.
Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners advised the developers on planning issues, Peter Brett Associates on transport matters and PPS Group on community engagement.
I can see some classic house builder noddy boxes peeping through the trees there. Depressing.
By Big Ears
ha ha Noddy boxes, that’s good…get yourself another cuppa…
By Endaway
are you surprised? the housebuilders are still stuck in a 1980’s time warp. There is absolutely no architectural merit in housing. In fact it is an insult to link the word architecture with UK housing. However the big boys always seem to make plenty of money serving up this cr@p to a public that seems happy to buy it. Therefore are the public getting what they want and deserve? If so it serves them right. I just feel sorry for our children.
By Architect Lover
This has Redrow all over it, bit of black and white mock tudor design. Super thin walls, all electrics done by GK Evans, Steve Morgans mate, 2 inches of top soil, bish bash bosh, jobs a gooden, oh yeah Harrow Estates is linked to Redrow there goes another million on top of the acerage price they will pay.
By Jess
The site should have been sold to Honeywell Avionics who were a bidder, even if it required a government subsidy. This would have provided young people in the area with a long term future in clean Hi Tech Industry. We need sustained wealth creation and jobs in this area, not more houses.
By John