Wirral homes require roof insulation work
Wirral Council has published a tender for a roof insulation contract for private sector households in the borough.
The council said it is searching for suppliers which "can provide a management function for the delivery of a potential four-year free insulation programme" to provide both cavity wall and loft insulation to properties within Wirral.
The council added that the framework agreement is initially from 19 July this year to 31 March 2011, with the option to extend yearly for a further three years.
The contract is part of the council's programme to partner agencies which assist households with poor installation, known as Warmer Wirral.
The first Wirral Affordable Warmth Strategy was published in 2004 and updated in 2008, committing the council to assist in the eradication of fuel poverty in line with Government targets.
The strategy provides a framework and direction for the council and its partners until 2010 and has identified the need to continue the provision of warmer homes grants and to promote them to households in the area.
The council has said it has committed itself to ensuring 80% of these insulation measures are installed by March 2014.
Deadline for submitting tenders is Monday 10 May at 12pm.
- For more details call Donna Long at the council on 0151 666 3888 or email donnalong@wirral.gov.uk