Watkin Jones markets housing plot
North Wales developer Watkin Jones has instructed Chester-based agents Bolton Birch to sell a four-acre greenfield site in Holywell with conditional consent for 44 units.
The guide price for the site is £1.5m. Planning permission was granted earlier this year by Flintshire council subject to a Section 106 agreement.
There are more than 30 conditions, including:
- 13 affordable units under a shared equity scheme at 75% of market value
- Education contribution of £38,500 to be paid prior to occupation of the first dwelling
- Maintaining visibility over an area of land on the southern side of Halkyn Road
- Commuted sum for maintenance of play/open space area for a period of 10 years from adoption by the authority
The planning application was for 10 two-bed, 22 three-bed and 12 four-bed houses in a mix of terraced and detached units.
The site is at the south east of the settlement boundary for Holywell in Halkyn Road. There are playing fields and views of the River Dee to the north and open countryside to the south east.